Do not put off what you can do today. Express yourself and let your shine. These are my thoughts and
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Weekend.
Monday, October 31, 2011
HP Touchpad
If I were one of your investors I would sell, sell, sell.
You guys have no idea what you're doing. You waste a billion dollars for Palm in order to position yourself in a young, but growing mobile market. A market that hasn't really defined itself yet. One CEO out and another in and you change everything. Now you're putting yourself back on track, but now the track leads to a dead end.
In case you didn't know HP, but personal computing has changed and is not going back to what it was before. People are mobile and they want their computers light and fun. People are finally realizing that in order to send email and surf the web you don't need the highest specs or latest tech available on the market.
In July HP had released a product that wasn't ready and wasn't priced to sell. (MISTAKE) People will buy a tablet, but what's holding a lot of people back is the price. $99 was too good to pass up. Even with the eventual death of WebOS people snapped up those Touchpads in August because what do people really want do..."check their email and surf the web".
Now the HP Touchpad has sold out and people are hungry for it. Yes it's cheap, but you've done something no one but a certain fruit company has done and that was cause a "buzz". Now, you want to kill something where you have complete control of the (hardware and software) kind of like another company. (MISTAKE)
It's great that you're keeping your PC division alive. You should. You said you're excited about Windows 8 for tablets. That's great, but where are they? Windows is too late to the game. WebOS was further along than Windows 8 and you spent a billion dollars for Palm. I just think that doesn't make any sense. HP you need to ask yourselves, "where do you want to be in ten years"? If mobile isn't figured in their, you may follow in RIM's shoes...
...dead in the water.
This is a huge problem and I don't seeing and change or movement. Investors. Sell. Sell. Sell.
Scorcher Girl
- Arenas
- Alerts
- Legends
- Duos
- Raids
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Google Plus
I've been wanting for an alternative to Facebook for a long time.
Something that's fun but has a real social component to it. Would I send one status message to my friends, coworkers and family? Nope. I'd have one for all different kinds of people that I know.
Plus, I like new things that aren't what everyone else is using.
I'm in love with customizing it. You can see public updates from people near you. I think that's awesome. You can share updates with people you put in certain certain circles. So I could send a coworker a message that my friends wouldn't see. It's awesome. Compartmentalization! I love it.
Google you did good. You grabbed great elements from Twitter and Facebook and created an alternative to your existing social network. I'm not cancelling my account, but I know I will spend most of my time on Google Plus.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Brakes are on
I've decided to not get any tablet at the moment. When the time is right, I'll get one.
I think I just want a new toy.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Gaming for Fall
- Skyrim
- Bioshock Infinite
- Uncharted 3
- Starhawk
- Battlefied 3
Listening to Music

- Android Central
- Buzz Out Loud (daily) – don’t listen to much after Tom Merit left.
- Dialed In (weekly)
- IGN – Game Scoop (weekly)
- IGN – Podcast Beyond (weekly)
- Loaded (daily)
- Mac OS Ken (daily)
- Oh My Pod (daily & weekly)
- Savage Love
- Tech New Today (video) (daily)
- Tekzilla (video) (daily)
- This Week in Tech (weekly)
- Wall Street Journal (daily)
- Weekend Confirmed (weekly)
- The 404 (daily)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Closer to the Touch
- There will be acclaim for the design, packaging and build quality.
- WebOs will be smooth, but people will miss all the gestures.
- Light to medium demand.
- Lots of promotional pricing.
- Low stock will lead to false demand.

Light of the Sun


Honeycomb should have shipped with all Android tablets automatically. You can't compete with the market leader if you don't have a unified interface. You have got to wow people. Give them a real interface, not a piecemeal one. If "regular" people have to "figure it out"...they aren't going to. They'll just go for the "easy" one that everyone has.
**I know criticized HP for not releasing the HP sooner, but it seems like they're making sure their product interface, accessories are ready to go. Good for them.
I applaud the Android team for realizing this with Ice Cream Sandwich. Being a consumer, I'd wait for this update before I'd buy an Android tablet.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Tanking and Healing Weekend
Who would have thought a birthday gift could keep on giving? Thank you to my best friend for one of best games I’ve ever played. It is such a fun past time that I’m watching less and less TV and playing more and more DC Universe Online. My PS3 is doing what I wanted it to do. Keep me from spending tons of money on the weekend.
I’m part of a league now and I’m ranking and building up their armor up for fighting with other players and with game challenges. The more I play the better I become with using my powers. I’m a strategist and like it when the “right” players in the right roles are playing.
• Tank
• Healer
• Controller
Having good people in those roles makes your group unstoppable. A powerful Tank takes all the “heat/attention” in the game. So, the controller can stun enemies, give power to the group. The DPS can kill people and the healer can keep the group alive.
The first person you want to attack is the healer. The DPS and Tank can concentrate their attacks on him and the group while the Controller stuns enemies trying to get to their own healer. This is where mics come in. There is no way you can strategize without having a mic. If someone doesn’t have one, I wonder how do they play the game well? I think it’s essential. There was one moment where no one knew who the healer was to kill and someone found out said the same and we focused our attack on him. I don’t know if it sounds fun, but with the epic music playing in the background and the intense combat, I love it.
So, this week is all about building armor for challenges. We’ll see how far I get.
On top of that, I also went to a party Saturday night, brunch Sunday and Tony watching with a friend Sunday night. Umm, Ummm...good.
Monday, June 6, 2011
I have to say I'm addicted to DCUO. Go Fabulous Gentleman!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Madonna on Oprah!!
Janet on her Birthday
Net Neutrality
- Who
- What
- Where
- How
- When
Tablets Tablets Tablets
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Shake Rattle & Roll
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Miscellaneous Week
- Epi Pen
- Killzone 3 - Clan
- DC Universe Online - Clan
- Join Planet Fitness - $10 a month, plus $29 activation (a block from my apt.)
- iPad 2 w/ Red or Gray cover
- Laundry (always)
- Warmth of other Suns – good book
- "Clue" party Friday night
Monday, February 28, 2011
For those aches and pains
- Headache – Advil (ibuprofen)
- Back Pain – Aleve (naproxen)
- Fever – Tylenol (acetaminophen)
Try Again Academy
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Steve Martin
- Alec Baldwin
- Billy Crystal
Live Action Killzone: Extraction (Independent Short from pwnisher)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Need or Want?
Killzone 3 - The DLC
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Death to the ISA!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011
What a Lunch!!
- I had two drinks already.
- I’m at work.
- I’m a lightweight when it comes to drinking
- My head is spinning (a little)
- I wish I was in a bar in the east village.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Innovative Idea for Phones
Friday, February 4, 2011
Brutal melee! New multi player and a whole new campaign.
Tablet Time
- Reading Book/Magazines/Blogs
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Videos
- Apps
I'm not sure what else I'd use it for that I couldn't do with my HTC EVO 4G. Outside of just loving technology and wanting everything I need to get a real world reason to want a tablet.
With all the video games I have to play that I have to play at home on my PS3 there's no way I have time to play on a tablet. Don't forget I have a PSP too that I don't even turn on, but love to use when I'm traveling. I think I have too many gadgets as it is. Maybe it is time cool it on the gadgets. I'm sure Suze Orman would say, "I'm denied".
February 9th I'll be checking for Palm's announcement.
Weekend is Here
Thursday, February 3, 2011
It is crazy here's in nyc. It's cold and there's ice everywhere. I will take that over 98 degrees any day.
And no, I don't drive.