Oprah has been having some great shows lately, but one show that stood out was the going green episode. I was so inspired that I got the GrOceries bag from her website. Check out how you can go green and help our world community stay as healthy as she can. One place to start is Oprah's website.
There are a lot of people who say global warming doesn't exist and if that's you take a look at the glaciers melting before our eyes and how the animals who rely on them are affected. I'm talking about amazing mini-series called Planet Earth.
How we treat the earth has it's consequences. Check out what's happening in Newtok, Alaska.
Please, go green!
Do not put off what you can do today. Express yourself and let your shine. These are my thoughts and feelings...now.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Smallville - Season Finale

I'm so glad I continued to watch Smallville. I sacrificed Ugly Betty so that I could keep up with this and I'm so glad I did. I just wish DC Comics would allow Smallville to have Diana Prince on, but they can't because the Wonder Woman movie is in development.
Maybe they could do a Wonder Woman and Superman movie. I would so be there!!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Misfiling of Ryan Carter
What is the play about?
What happens?
What is the climax?
What is the obstacle that the characters have to overcome?
These are basic questions to ask yourself if you're writing a play. Seems like David Gaard didn't quite get how to structure his. He had a lot to say, but the context was all wrong.
I couldn't let this go on without talking about the nudity. Don't get me wrong I like nudity, but when it's used as a gimmick, it's gross. Do you know what the actors have to go through in order to get to that place. To be comfortable with being nude in front of strangers and be aware that they could be sexualizing me. I've been nude on stage and you've got to reconcile a lot to get to that point. The nudity worked at some points. I've always wondered why when two people have finished with sex the characters are miraculously dressed.
David Gaard, the playwright, reeled me in with the promise of nudity and sexual content, but even the full monty couldn't keep my interest. Could no one see that this play needed a rewrite? Actually, it needed a clear start, middle and end.
I saw it on the first preview night and I have a request to the producers. Please clean up those scene changes. All you need on stage is a bed, bar and mantle with the occasional chair(s).
Hats off to Ryan G. Metzger for finding a truth in an underwritten character. The actors were doing the best they could with a script like that. Daniel Koenig needs to get an award for making what little sense he could out of the gibberish
Official Site
What happens?
What is the climax?
What is the obstacle that the characters have to overcome?
These are basic questions to ask yourself if you're writing a play. Seems like David Gaard didn't quite get how to structure his. He had a lot to say, but the context was all wrong.
I couldn't let this go on without talking about the nudity. Don't get me wrong I like nudity, but when it's used as a gimmick, it's gross. Do you know what the actors have to go through in order to get to that place. To be comfortable with being nude in front of strangers and be aware that they could be sexualizing me. I've been nude on stage and you've got to reconcile a lot to get to that point. The nudity worked at some points. I've always wondered why when two people have finished with sex the characters are miraculously dressed.
David Gaard, the playwright, reeled me in with the promise of nudity and sexual content, but even the full monty couldn't keep my interest. Could no one see that this play needed a rewrite? Actually, it needed a clear start, middle and end.
I saw it on the first preview night and I have a request to the producers. Please clean up those scene changes. All you need on stage is a bed, bar and mantle with the occasional chair(s).
Hats off to Ryan G. Metzger for finding a truth in an underwritten character. The actors were doing the best they could with a script like that. Daniel Koenig needs to get an award for making what little sense he could out of the gibberish
Official Site
Rosie is Leaving
That really angers me. I think she got a bad rap. It's sad that people can't just accept that a woman has an opinion and is passionate about it. My own mother didn't like her. Goodness, are people brainwashed??
Good luck Rosie. Come back to Broadway! Produce or Star. You have many people out there who want to see what you do next. Show us.
To The View, you're done. You lose two hosts in two years. Sometimes you have to step back, look at yourself and figure out what you're doing wrong. I heard Whoopie Goldberg is coming.
Note to Whoopie....don't do it!!!
NY Times article
Official View Website
FYI, her last air date is Monday, May 28th...set your DVR...if you have the space.
Good luck Rosie. Come back to Broadway! Produce or Star. You have many people out there who want to see what you do next. Show us.
To The View, you're done. You lose two hosts in two years. Sometimes you have to step back, look at yourself and figure out what you're doing wrong. I heard Whoopie Goldberg is coming.
Note to Whoopie....don't do it!!!
NY Times article
Official View Website
FYI, her last air date is Monday, May 28th...set your DVR...if you have the space.
Five Years Left
Has anyone heard about this. I heard this at work today from a co worker and he was so serious about it I had to do some research. You could google it, but I included a link to a very logical explanation for all this stuff.
What are you going to do from now until then? We've got five years. I know the first thing I'd do would be to travel. What would you do?
What are you going to do from now until then? We've got five years. I know the first thing I'd do would be to travel. What would you do?
Bill for President
I've been looking at Bill Richardson. My aunt told me to check him out and I like what he says. I disagree with him about the immigration issue, but I love the fact that he's got opinions and isn't afraid to go against the Hillary, Barack and John E camps. We'll see if this pays off.
Go Bill
Go Bill
Censorship at Apple
I don't know how I feel about Apple blocking Myspace.com. Is blocking the website censorship or is about the bottom line?
It's about the bottom line. I've seen teenagers at the SoHo store on myspace and doing nothing else. The computers are about testing to see what those macs can do, not just getting on the internet. We know that apple computers can do that. Oh well. It won't affect me. I just take my black macbook with me and go upstairs to the lecture hall.
Myspace ban.
It's about the bottom line. I've seen teenagers at the SoHo store on myspace and doing nothing else. The computers are about testing to see what those macs can do, not just getting on the internet. We know that apple computers can do that. Oh well. It won't affect me. I just take my black macbook with me and go upstairs to the lecture hall.
Myspace ban.
The Force in LA
If only I could go I would have been in California. My father took me to see Star Wars when I was very young ;-) From then on I was hooked. I've seen the original Star Wars movies about 30 times each. I know the dialogue inside and out and had most of the action figures and ships. I can't tell you how much my mother spent on those toys. Most of which are still at her house. I'll post some pics of my ships when I go home.
I wish I could have gone.
Oh well next time.
Note to George Lucas...no more movies. I can't take you messing up my childhood any longer.
I wish I could have gone.
Oh well next time.
Note to George Lucas...no more movies. I can't take you messing up my childhood any longer.
My Girl

How could I get so far into the blog without mentioning my favorite artist and giving you a link to the best fan website for her. Janet, if you're not going to tour, please do a new album. We miss you and love you.
A Defender of Imus
A coworker found this article and I think the subject matter makes for good conversation. Should Imus be defended? No one likes what he said, but we live in a country that supports the right to say what we want. I point to remember is make sure you did it on a medium where you don't rely on sponsors.
Martin Garbus
Martin Garbus
New Phone Time

I'm going to blame this on Trey. He's looking to get a smartphone and sucked me into the whole search. I'm getting excited about the Blackberrys. This one is the right size, but it doesn't have the QWERTY keyboard. The other option is the huge 8730. It's got the keyboard I want, but doesn't have the size. So, now I'm at square one.
Update (10:45am): I am sticking with the phone I have. I just bought a macbook. I can wait for a Blackberry.
The Romance of Magno Rbio
Angela told me about this and thought I would love it. I liked it a lot and like I said before its something you should see. If you want to check it out, I might be able to get some discounted tickets for you. From now on, I will make sure I know what they're doing.
Ma-Yi Theatre Company
Ma-Yi Theatre Company
Thursday, May 24, 2007
This is how to sell tickets
I'm such a sucker. All you have to do is advertise
**PLEASE NOTE: This production contains extended scenes
that's all it took. I'm seeing this "show" Friday night. I don't know if you've heard of Matthew Passion, but it was the same kind of show. Nudity equals ticket sales. Interesting thing is Matthew didn't advertise nudity and strong sexual content. It plays through July. I'm sure it will sell a lot of tickets. It sold me. Maybe there will be some desperate cuties in the audience.
**PLEASE NOTE: This production contains extended scenes
that's all it took. I'm seeing this "show" Friday night. I don't know if you've heard of Matthew Passion, but it was the same kind of show. Nudity equals ticket sales. Interesting thing is Matthew didn't advertise nudity and strong sexual content. It plays through July. I'm sure it will sell a lot of tickets. It sold me. Maybe there will be some desperate cuties in the audience.
Starbucks 29th and Park Ave South
Well. Starbucks came through again. I'm here blogging for the second day in a row. This pic isn't from the shop I'm in, but it serves it's purpose (thanks Google). Bill said that he's never known anyone on a computer more than me! Hmmm...I don't think I'm that obsessive. I just find that I can do so much now that I have a really good computer...go Apple!
Sometimes you need to work and sometimes you need to play. I should be finishing up the exercises in the Playwriting book, but I'm obsessed with blogging. I'm thinking of what content to add.
Sometimes you need to work and sometimes you need to play. I should be finishing up the exercises in the Playwriting book, but I'm obsessed with blogging. I'm thinking of what content to add.

I wouldn't be who I am without discussing the war. I found this article in the New York Times today.
What took people so long? Interesting how people are so opinionated when gas prices are the highest they've been in a while.
"Sixty-one percent of respondents now say that the United States should never have taken military action against Iraq, up from 51 percent in a CBS News poll in April and 58 percent in the same poll in January."
Sixty one percent? That's crazy. Finally, the public is seeing that we were sold a bunch of crap and young men and women are paying with their lives, limbs and futures. Sixty-one percent is still too low for something that seems quite clear to me. I wonder how high that number is with the families that have lost someone in this war.
What does this poll really mean? Polls give you an idea of certain people's ideas, but by no means represents the United States as a whole. The media needs to stop trying to have polls tell us what or how we think and start covering stories from different points of view. Not just the popular one.
What took people so long? Interesting how people are so opinionated when gas prices are the highest they've been in a while.
"Sixty-one percent of respondents now say that the United States should never have taken military action against Iraq, up from 51 percent in a CBS News poll in April and 58 percent in the same poll in January."
Sixty one percent? That's crazy. Finally, the public is seeing that we were sold a bunch of crap and young men and women are paying with their lives, limbs and futures. Sixty-one percent is still too low for something that seems quite clear to me. I wonder how high that number is with the families that have lost someone in this war.
What does this poll really mean? Polls give you an idea of certain people's ideas, but by no means represents the United States as a whole. The media needs to stop trying to have polls tell us what or how we think and start covering stories from different points of view. Not just the popular one.
Eddie is Thirty
It seems like an endless stream of parties happening this month and that's a great thing. Eddie's party at Vice Versa was so cute. It was a special time. The fact that he was so touched, just made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Happy Birthday Eddie!
I have known Eddie since 2003. He's one of my closest friends. I can count on him to listen to me when I need it and put me in my place when I need to. Believe me it
Eddie I cherish our friendship and am looking forward to your 40th and my....whatever.
Gallery Player's 2007-08 Season
I saw on Matt's blog. Gallery Player's season is as follows...
Six Degrees of Separation
Yank! A New Musical
The Santaland Diaries
The Wild Party (see links below)
Man of La Mancha
Six degrees is a hard play. I've read it but never seen it. Great role for a black man too! No, I haven't forgotten that I'm black. I'm not sure I'm going out for it though because I need to get paid.
The only other one that caught my attention is The Wild Party. I saw the LaChiusa version this spring at Columbia University. It was tremendous. I wonder how the Lippa will compare. Here is some history about the two versions, in case you didn't know.

My favorite now.
The other one. ;-)
Six Degrees of Separation
Yank! A New Musical
The Santaland Diaries
The Wild Party (see links below)
Man of La Mancha
Six degrees is a hard play. I've read it but never seen it. Great role for a black man too! No, I haven't forgotten that I'm black. I'm not sure I'm going out for it though because I need to get paid.
The only other one that caught my attention is The Wild Party. I saw the LaChiusa version this spring at Columbia University. It was tremendous. I wonder how the Lippa will compare. Here is some history about the two versions, in case you didn't know.

Jason @ the AIDS Walk

Jason, I've know him for while. We did a wacky show in DC called, "The Harvey Milk Show"at the Source Theatre Company. Two other's that were in the show and have gone on to have tremendous success is Tracie Thoms and Ryan Duncan.
I saw him Friday night at a bar on the lower east side. That how it is in NYC sometimes. You meet in the most random places and reconnect. He's such a great guy and a cutie pie!
Congrats Jason on the AIDS walk, you're in inspiration. There's so much work to be done and it's good know a friend is part of the real solution not the problem.
This Flower is just beautiful. I'm not a flower person, but I know what I like. Thanks for the great shot of this Jason.

Going to Queens Tonight
We're gonna party tonight like it's...2007, at least for a little bit. I'm heading to Astoria to celebrate Christine's birthday at the Beer Garden. Christine went to the (Univ. of Md) together. She is a very talented actor (and my Desdemona) One day I hope to act with her again. Maybe on Broadway. I know she's been there done that, but she could invite me along next time, right?

What play could we do?
Oh, I can't leave out Peter! Wassup Pyiddy!!!!

What play could we do?
Oh, I can't leave out Peter! Wassup Pyiddy!!!!
So, I woke up on time this morning, but that doesn't help when I wake up, but turn on the iron and go back to sleep...lol.
At 7:41am I found out we had no hot water! Eventually the hot water came on at 8:02am. Mind you I have to leave the apartment no later than 8:06am or I'll be late. I left at 8:09 and got to work at 9:01am. I don't know how I did it. I do know how, I didn't get any food. I have some now, but didn't eat until 9:45am.
One more day before the long weekend. I can't wait to sleep in Saturday morning. I have to remind myself, no nothing. I will be in the apartment saving my money!!!
At 7:41am I found out we had no hot water! Eventually the hot water came on at 8:02am. Mind you I have to leave the apartment no later than 8:06am or I'll be late. I left at 8:09 and got to work at 9:01am. I don't know how I did it. I do know how, I didn't get any food. I have some now, but didn't eat until 9:45am.
One more day before the long weekend. I can't wait to sleep in Saturday morning. I have to remind myself, no nothing. I will be in the apartment saving my money!!!
Marry me a Little
I saw the show for my birthday, thanks Bill. I forgot this song was even in the show. I love it so much that I'm working on this for auditions. It's becoming a favorite of mine. Sad song, but that's Sondheim.
Stranger in this world - Taboo - Euan Morton as Boy George
What a great song in a misunderstood show. I wish I had seen it. It just goes to show you. You have to see things for yourself. People are entitled to their own opinions. Listen to the lyrics. "You always knew mother, as mother's always knew." Amen!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Jordin won American Idol

I really didn't watch American Idol, but I'm glad she won! Go girl.
I was watching the show at Blue Moon with Bill and the highlight for me was Gladys Knight! She should have an evening all to herself.
I missed Ruben. Was it me or was he bigger than I normal? God Bless you my brother. Take care of yourself and your health.
Yolanda's Death
Let me tell you something, that will not happen under my watch.
Seriously though, it's a sad that she's gone. I feel like American Royalty is dying off one by one. Coretta, Yolanda and the great August Wilson.
Who from our generation will be take black folk the next level. Obama? Who do you think?
Starbucks 19th and 8th Ave
I did it. I'm at Starbucks after too much drama.
I took the subway down to 23rd and took the bus across town. I get to 23rd & 8th and walk down hoping that my favorite Starbucks would be open. Well, it wasn't. Sad I traveled to the one on 16th and it just didn't feel right. Thank God I trusted my feelings because when I got back to 19th and 8th. I had a seat by the window. I got an espresso bar brownie and a mocha latte. It was incredible. Let me tell you the boyz are out and looking very sexy. Especially the ones that are getting home from work. There is something about a man in a dress shirt and slacks. Just Beautiful. I love New York.
After this post. I'm going to go to the gym. I've been hearing from friends that I'm looking slimmer. I need to keep that up.
The summer is approaching and only place I can afford to go to is Fire Island. I booked this gig with a medical school that pays $25.00 and hour. It's this improv thing that should be fun and easy as pie. I love role playing.
I'm loving this. I'm at Starbucks, blogging and listening to Oh my pod (the podcast).
I took the subway down to 23rd and took the bus across town. I get to 23rd & 8th and walk down hoping that my favorite Starbucks would be open. Well, it wasn't. Sad I traveled to the one on 16th and it just didn't feel right. Thank God I trusted my feelings because when I got back to 19th and 8th. I had a seat by the window. I got an espresso bar brownie and a mocha latte. It was incredible. Let me tell you the boyz are out and looking very sexy. Especially the ones that are getting home from work. There is something about a man in a dress shirt and slacks. Just Beautiful. I love New York.
After this post. I'm going to go to the gym. I've been hearing from friends that I'm looking slimmer. I need to keep that up.
The summer is approaching and only place I can afford to go to is Fire Island. I booked this gig with a medical school that pays $25.00 and hour. It's this improv thing that should be fun and easy as pie. I love role playing.
I'm loving this. I'm at Starbucks, blogging and listening to Oh my pod (the podcast).
No Retouching...Yet

Wow it worked.
I debated having my picture up on this, but who cares. It's me and this is all about me. So why not? When I get more savy I'll put more things up. It looks like I have to have Google's picasa2 software(which looks like a iPhoto's step brother) on my computer. I have a mac so I hope this works when I get to Starbucks. I have an all day pass that I never used and that expires 5/25!
This should be fun.
First Post - May 23rd
It's been a great afternoon, which is part of a beautiful week. I'm in much better spirits than normal.
I was going to have lunch with Peggy and Tom from work, but decided to walk down Lexington and ran into Popeyes. It's like crack for me. I had two thighs. Decided against eating there because it's just too little seating. I just walked and stumbled up an open to the public area, for seating. I think it was around 27th street between 3rd and 2nd. I listened to Buzz Out Loud and relaxed.
Now, I'm back at work.
Last night I saw a good show called The Romance of Magno Rubio. It was good, but there was hardly any conflict so I kind of check out. It was mostly Asian Americans in the cast and I felt sad that aside from Pacific Overtures, I haven't seen that many Asians in one production. There were very talented and used the medium of theatre the way it's supposed to be used. It wasn't my favorite productions, but definitely something that should be seen over that trash, Legally Blonde.
There is an architect Sterling and his son goes to one of the best acting programs in the country. He's destined to become huge. He's cute and white. Just with that he has more opportunities at his feet than I do. I just feel he's got his foot in the door. When was the last time I acted in a show that was worthwhile. It's been too long. I'm happy for my friend's success (Alan, Tracie, Ryan, Anthony). Good for them, if I put in the work, that could have been me.
Angela, Jim and I are creating a nice support group. We'll see how it goes.
So, the big news is that I am going to go to the New School. I feel I have a voice and many stories inside that I'd like to tell. Writing is the most rewarding. One, you work alone. Two, you make your own deadlines and three, you control everything that happens on stage. I'm working on one now, using this great book called, The Art and Craft of Playwriting. It's inspiring. I look at plays differently now. I need to make my own opportunities to shine. Who out there is going to tell the stories of my people. I just wonder how The New School can help.
Money is tight. I have to stay home this weekend and watch TV and play on my computer. My Time Warner bill is $380, $270 is my share. That's out of control. I can't wear that anywhere either. LOL. So, if you're looking for me I'll be inside.
So, while walking from the public space I thought about posting my thoughts in a blog and making it really personal. I'll let Bill and maybe Eddie know.
peace...until next time. (which will probably be after work)
I was going to have lunch with Peggy and Tom from work, but decided to walk down Lexington and ran into Popeyes. It's like crack for me. I had two thighs. Decided against eating there because it's just too little seating. I just walked and stumbled up an open to the public area, for seating. I think it was around 27th street between 3rd and 2nd. I listened to Buzz Out Loud and relaxed.
Now, I'm back at work.
Last night I saw a good show called The Romance of Magno Rubio. It was good, but there was hardly any conflict so I kind of check out. It was mostly Asian Americans in the cast and I felt sad that aside from Pacific Overtures, I haven't seen that many Asians in one production. There were very talented and used the medium of theatre the way it's supposed to be used. It wasn't my favorite productions, but definitely something that should be seen over that trash, Legally Blonde.
There is an architect Sterling and his son goes to one of the best acting programs in the country. He's destined to become huge. He's cute and white. Just with that he has more opportunities at his feet than I do. I just feel he's got his foot in the door. When was the last time I acted in a show that was worthwhile. It's been too long. I'm happy for my friend's success (Alan, Tracie, Ryan, Anthony). Good for them, if I put in the work, that could have been me.
Angela, Jim and I are creating a nice support group. We'll see how it goes.
So, the big news is that I am going to go to the New School. I feel I have a voice and many stories inside that I'd like to tell. Writing is the most rewarding. One, you work alone. Two, you make your own deadlines and three, you control everything that happens on stage. I'm working on one now, using this great book called, The Art and Craft of Playwriting. It's inspiring. I look at plays differently now. I need to make my own opportunities to shine. Who out there is going to tell the stories of my people. I just wonder how The New School can help.
Money is tight. I have to stay home this weekend and watch TV and play on my computer. My Time Warner bill is $380, $270 is my share. That's out of control. I can't wear that anywhere either. LOL. So, if you're looking for me I'll be inside.
So, while walking from the public space I thought about posting my thoughts in a blog and making it really personal. I'll let Bill and maybe Eddie know.
peace...until next time. (which will probably be after work)
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