Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Christmas Gift

Funny how with this whole wiki leaks debacle that Republicans, like Allen West (FL), wants to censor news outlets that circulated the wikileaks document. It’s more absurd than funny, but it shows how two sided and fake they are. On one side they want less government, but when it benefits them they want the government to shut down whatever doesn’t fit their agenda.

• Cutting taxes for the wealthy.
• Having to borrow to pay for those cuts.
• Healthcare reform that benefits the greedy insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
• Leaving Healthcare as it is.

And that’s to start. For Christmas, I really want a Republican, who makes less than $50,000, explain how the list above benefits them. The Democrats, who have a backbone of a rat, have a great list of ideas, but no way of executing them. It’s pretty pathetic, but back to my does cutting taxes help a nation in debt?