Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another Videocast, but this time it's good.

Veronica Belmont does it again. I like her style, so I had to giver her a shout. I would prefer she stuck with computers, but this was informative.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Scattered Brain

So much is on my mind. If you haven't noticed, my posts have been pretty erratic and unfocused. Here's what I'm thinking about.

  • Picking up dog
  • Dog's adjustment period
  • Driving home with dog
  • Doggy proofing my apartment
  • Holidays
  • Bills (why did my credit cards up my limits?)
  • Dwindling free time and DVR space.
  • Spending time with Mom, family and friends in four/five days

I'm starting to put things in lists and prioritize, etc. It's helping. Tonight, I'm either going to see Imitation of Life or home. Friday, I've got to rest for a busy weekend of fun, but work. I don't think I'll sleep in until Monday.

Like I always say, after Halloween you might as well say Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bobby Cannavale

I'm surprised it took me so long to give a "shout out" to this dude. He's currently on Broadway in Mauritus. I won't get a chance to see but at least I can glance at this picture from the Advocate's October 23rd issue.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Marc @ Out 100

Go Marc. I wish him well. Look at him cheesing! It gives me hope.

Renting a Car

Question, why do rental car companies charge drop off fees for one way rentals?

Goodness! I just want to travel one way to my hometown (I have to bring my mom's birthday gift/dog). If anyone knows of a better deal, let me know. It's coming up to almost $250 for a one day, one way rental. What a rip off and waste of money!

Office Temperature

I just have to vent.

I'm at work; sitting at my desk. It's warm. Last week it was cold. The week before it was hot. Do you see a pattern? When our office was being built and the temperature control was discussed the "powers that be" thought it was too much money to install a thermostat.

Because of their lack of vision (think of how the Emperor says it in Return of the Jedi), the employees suffer. I say keep it cold and bring a sweater to work. I don't like to sweat.

Oh well, back to work and listening to podcasts

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dark Sided

I'm sure you've seen this. If not, enjoy. I was at dinner this evening at Applebees and me and my friend B were cracking up about this.