Funny!!! Check out the iMac too!!
Do not put off what you can do today. Express yourself and let your shine. These are my thoughts and
Friday, August 3, 2007
Another Gay Movie Trailer
Friday Night
I think of it this way I'm being social by posting to my blog.
ANGM Sequel Stage Reading Philly

Something tells me that I may like Deadwood. It's decadent, rude and the characters are just "off". Sounds like a winner to me. Maybe I'll watch it after Big Brother 8 is over.
It was cancelled with only three season. Just like Arrested Development, the best comedy that no one watched.
At Soy Luck Club

There is clearly a sign that says, "take your cell phone conversation outside". I don't care how cute you are ( he's really not) get out if you can't read or he and I will have a problem.
Okay, I feel better now.
Let's shed a tear!

He's gone! Kicked out because of a poor decision from the "powers that be" in the house. Shame on them.
I hope he comes back and kicks butt!
Finding Forever

Common is like drinking some Grey Goose vodka. He's smooth, laid back and strong. Common keeps the tradition of hip hop alive, by commenting on society and culture in a poetic way. Yes, he uses profanity for emphasis, but so do I (sometimes).
Common, thank you for having something to say and staying in the game. It goes to show you don't need to degrade yourself and others in order to remain successful in the Hip Hop industry.
He's got some good jeans...on!
Throwing Tantrums in Congress
Check out the Huffington Post article.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Somethings have to go
Time Out New York
Black Enterprise
Advocate (weekly)
Men's Health
TV Guide (weekly)
GQ expired in September and I'm not renewing. I need to get down to two or three. Italian Vogue would be a nice one too. *to Hadi: Australian Vogue is hot!
SJP sighting

A co-worker rode an elevator with Sarah Jessica Parker yesterday!
He promptly told me because I'm a huge Sex and the City fan! I almost went up to the 17th floor to check her out! LOL. I heard she's very down to earth and sweet.
Love her!
Down with Duell Management
Do we need more residential and less arts spaces in New York? No. When will it end? If I wanted to live in a suburb I'd move back to where I came from. New York City is for single people, artists and students.
Down with Duell Management!!!
All Aboard the desperate train

I have a suggestion for Amtrak. If you want to make more money, lower your prices.
Why would I pay $180 round trip to ride the train, when it only shaves off an hour of my ride. The bus is $35.00 round trip! Unless you're living high off the hog there is no need to spend that kind of doe. To fly Delta is about $219 round trip and it's about a 45 minutes flight.
Come on Amtrak. You've got to start getting competitive. Offering drink tickets to your frequent riders won't help your bottom line.
Check out the CNN Article.
From the Washington Post
Thursday, August 2, 2007; Page A04
After Cheney Remark ,
Sen. Clinton Turns to Bush
For Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), a sternly worded letter she recently received from top Pentagon official Eric S. Edelman may well be the gift that keeps on giving.
When Edelman responded to Clinton's request for a briefing on troop-withdrawal plans from Iraq by accusing her of reinforcing "enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies," the Democratic presidential contender made immediate political hay, insisting that the Pentagon disavow what she described as an outrageous political attack. Defense Secretary Robert Gates tried to patch things up by acknowledging that Congress must conduct oversight of the administration, but Vice President Cheney managed to stir things up again, telling Larry King on CNN Tuesday night that he thought Edelman, his former foreign policy adviser, had written Clinton a "good letter." Cheney suggested that Clinton was asking for operational plans from the Pentagon -- a contention Clinton dismissed in a new letter sent to the vice president yesterday.
"Your comments, agreeing with Under Secretary Edelman, not Secretary Gates, have left me wondering about the true position of the Administration," Clinton wrote in the letter, which was released by her office. "Therefore, I am writing to President Bush asking that he set the record straight about the Administration's position regarding the role of Congress in oversight of the war."
Clinton and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) plan to introduce legislation today requiring the Pentagon to prepare a report and briefing for Congress on contingency plans for redeploying U.S. forces from Iraq.
-- Michael Abramowitz
Blackberrys are now in Season

Finally, last night around 10:46pm after being on hold with customer service for an hour and with the rep for about twenty minutes I saw the blackberry browser icon appear and my email loading onto my was a good time.!
I'm not a fan of Sprint's customer service. I suggest if you have a problem with a phone, take it into a service station first, then call customer service if the problem persists. If that doesn't fix the problem, exchange the phone for a brand new one.
Sprint/Blackberry told me I had to wait for 5 days until someone got back to me. The people in the store told me to call Sprint/Blackberry. Who's on first?? I demanded a new phone, even thought they insisted it was a network issue and wasn't the phone. I felt better having a new one.
At least I'm up and running! Finally!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Is it?

A long time ago I started an account with Yahoo photos. It was a great way to post and share photos from different parties and events.
As some of you may know. Flickr was acquired by Yahoo, who has announced that you must export your photos or you could lose them.
Well, I've discovered another flickr account. I'm still working on it, but I like flickr a lot.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
JBL Headphones...never again

I got a pair of JBL headphones around November of last year for my iPod and about two months ago. I'm still under warranty and I sent a fax to their customer service. That was two months ago and I haven't heard from them. That's a terrible sign. I'll try again, but I don't plan on buying their products again and I won't recommend them either.
In the meantime I bought a pair of cheap Sony headphones to tide me over. They were $20 compared to $70.
Florist Rant

So, I'm on the train last week reading Wired's July issue with the Transformers on the cover and in comes this guy with a bike. He get's on and starts screaming..."No A/C in the fucking subway."
Let me describe this guy to you. He's a black male with camouflage pants, brown boots and shirt. He continues from 59th street to 145th Street yelling, screaming about the heat on the subway platform. Most New Yorkers know that you can't engage people like that or they will continue, because what they really want is attention. This guy was no different. Once a few people started laughing, he continued, cursing and screaming about President Bush, Iraq and the heat.
During his rant we were told that he lives in Yonkers, NY (north of the city), he's a florist (hard to believe and has $22.00 in his pocket.
The most unfortunate thing about his rant was that he had his son with him. This guy had to be high or drunk. I wondered how was this guy taking care of his son. What did this adorable little boy, who had to be about 7 or 8 , feel about his "father" cursing and screaming on the subway? If he wasn't, I was embarrassed for him.
Last Weekend of July...

I'm tired. This entry will be apologies.
Yes more phone drama. I got the phone and discovered that I couldn't connect to the Internet. Imagine my horror when I get to Grounded ready to set up my Blackberry and send an email. I didn't even see the Web Browser Icon in application menu. After two hours on the phone I got a ticket number.
I waited today and no call, so I called tonight and they put me through the same crap (provisioning, host routing table). I know they're trying, but I'm so frustrated about why I can't even connect to the web and the main reason I got this phone was to have access to my email. It helps when I'm going to an appointment, that I have all my info at my fingertips. I'm going to get some credit out of this.
So, I'm waiting until tomorrow night. Hopefully they'll have some answers. I'm tempted to go to the Sprint Store during lunch tomorrow, but if I waste that time I'll be angry.
On the upside, I love the phone. Especially the weight of it. It feels special and the keys are not too small. I so anxious to see what this phone can really do. I was able to send pics to the phone via bluetooth...I was so proud of myself.
On small downside that's turning into something larger. The mic on the phone is extremely sensitive. Callers can hear most background noise. Background noise is hard to avoid in New York City and customer support doesn't have a fix.
Update to come tomorrow. Things have really been hectic. You should see my apartment.