Thursday, November 5, 2009

Congrats Andy

He's of French and Italian decent. Goodness. I love french fries and lasagna!

Now I don't watch Baseball at all. I used to play when I was 8 years old. Andy Pettitte gives me reason to watch again. He's articulate and sexy.

You're a lucky woman Laura (his wife). I have to mention that the names of his children are beautiful.

Joshua Blake
Lexy Grace
Luke Jackson

I guess this makes me a Yankee fan!

Go Andy!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bloomberg Wins

I loved that I wasn't the only one that voted for Bill Thompson to win. I just refused to vote for someone who had the money to buy the election. Another corporate, self centered jerk with a HUGE bank account.

Wii Games - A Thought

The Wii is the most popular gaming console right now. It's not necessarily the best. I'd say the PS3 is because it's got the best hardware and game development. There are also tons of games for it. Tons of casual, worthless pieces of junk.

My point.. is just because you have the most applications doesn't mean anything. I put more value on quality vs. quantity.

Glee at the World Series

Love it!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dragon Age

This game looks amazing, but I just don't have the time to play it. Boy!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Public Option

I'm about sick of the Senate's behavior. How dare they say that if there's a public option then it would hurt the private industry. The Americans have been burned by the private insurance companies and want a change. More and more we see that Congress aren't on the side of the people but are worried about the money from lobbyists.

I just don't get it. It's an option. What about all the newly unemployed people out there? Who can afford cobra? For a family that could mean $1500 a month or $500 for a single person . It's just all wrong and makes me sick. Why are the Senate so protective of the insurance companies? The people have spoken. Are the senators just ignoring the people that votes for them?

I say the senators/congressmen that doesn't vote for this option will not be re-elected.

They will have to listen to that.