Saturday, June 28, 2008

Absolutely Perfect

Originally uploaded by kevinholdenpics
I thought this was perfect for Pride Weekend here in NYC. It just speaks for itself.

Happy Pride!

Friday, June 27, 2008

All about the Journey

Originally uploaded by kevinholdenpics
It started around 2pm after a long breakfast and deciding on a trail "everyone" could do. I didn't have any expectations, I've been hiking before but when I was much, much younger.

We set off, registered our group and headed up, up and up 2200 ft. (671 meters) to be exact to the top. Timberlands can get real heavy real quick!


Originally uploaded by kevinholdenpics
It took a while, but here's a shot of the creek right outside of our campsite. The sound of the running water was calming and added great background noise to the area.

Who knew that you could cool alcohol in a creek?? Now, I know.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just got back

Wow! Just got back! I had a great time. More to come this week with pictures, etc.

Time to take a hot, long shower!!!!