Something is fishy about this. The insurance companies have every reason to be on the offensive. When this economy gets on better footing the next project with be reforming health care in this country. They are frightened of being put out of business. I have no sympathy for companies that deny coverage to people who pay hundred of dollars a month to be covered.
Requiring all Americans to carry the insurance that already exists is a problem (click title for article). Just because they want to ease restrictions on people who are already sick (pre-existing conditions). There are still fundamental problems such as:
- Pre-existing conditions (exclusion)
- Procedures that aren't covered
- Business plan model - (current system is set up to decrease cost/care and make money)
- Cost of Premiums
- Dental & Vision Excluded
I was a supporter of Hilary Clinton because of this main reason. I'm not a huge fan of Obama's Heath care plan of putting health care in the hands of private companies and supplementing that with tax credits. If teaching our children are important enough to put that under state control, then so is health care. It's a no brainer. I don't have children and my income taxes go toward educating children I don't have. If you want to participate in Universal Heath Care, you don't have to.
I hope Obama makes them shake in their boots. Personally, I'll wait in line and deal with issues with Universal Health Care. I'd rather know I'm getting health care instead of wishing and hoping for it even after I pay $600 a month for standard bare bones care.