Fox News is a right wing, Republican mess of a news source. I really liked how Mike Rogers went in there and defended his position regarding the US Senator, Larry Craig. Play if you can it's 9 minutes, but worth it.
Do not put off what you can do today. Express yourself and let your shine. These are my thoughts and
Saturday, September 8, 2007

I don't know if I could be in an open relationship (possibly, but not sure).
I hear more and more couples who are in open relationships ,but on the DL. They shouldn't broadcast it either. There are more than a few guys out there who find couples irresistible.
What does being open do? Does it take the stress off a commitment? Is there a difference between a physical and emotion commitment. Can you really separate the two or is "being open" an admittance that men cheat, so why not beat it to the punch.
*the image is called "three men".
The Companion Marathon

I have a two friends (T & B) that have been in a relationship for nine years this Saturday, September 8, 2007. Nine years! That's incredible for two men. Even though I'm jaded, at times, their relationship is an inspiration.
Nine years can't go without it's fights and quarrels, but the point is they're in it for the long haul, with all it's ups and downs. It's not a quick sprint, but a steady focused ride.
I love them dearly and wish nothing but the best for both of them. Tonight, they're going out to dinner to celebrate their first date. That stuff makes me just warm inside.
I was doing some research online and found an article about McWhirter and Mattison's (1984) Six Stages of Development in healthy gay relationships. For those of you in relationships does this study ring true? I'd like to know. It sounds right on to me, but I'm on the outside looking in.
Regarding the six stages, I found it interesting that the stages were broken down from 1 to 2-3, 4-5, to 6-10. I guess when you hit the 6th year you've got the real work to do. That good for us single people to know.
To my all friends out there in healthy relationships....onward and upward!!!
with love,
(click the date and see some fun facts about September 8th)
Fashion Week

(S)eptember for Spring
(F)ebruary for Fall
The last collection will be shown Wednesday at 2pm.
That's basically all you need to know. I haven't been to the tents yet, but will take some pictures this weekend. Below I have included one of my favorite dresses by two amazing designers Badgeley Mischka. Enjoy
Check out the drape, I wonder what fabric they used, and the subtle pink, absolutely delicious.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Let's not Forget
The number of U.S. military deaths is the Iraq war stands at 3,760. The number in September alone is 18.
500 Days Left
I thought this was funny. I have never heard of a countdown clock for a President. I just hope those people voted in 2004!!
Rant to Buzz Out Loud

Dear Molly, Tom and Jason,
First off I want to say that I'd love to hear more from Jason. I think he's a great addition to the Podcast!
I live in NYC and I've talked to cabbies in the city and GPS is not the central issue. Like most things in this city it's about money. The Taxi and Limousine Commission is forcing the cabbies to pay for the GPS installation and equipment as well as the credit card machines and there's a charge for each credit card transaction that will eat at their profits/tips. Even though fares have been raised these new burdens have an impact on the drivers' take home pay. Don't forget they are also responsible for it's upkeep and repair.
When you think of the people that take cabs everywhere, it's not the average New Yorker. Most people use the subway. Cabs are definitely a luxury when it costs $8 to get to from 23rd to 45th street going up the northbound 8th Avenue. That's crazy! Again, the working class(cabbies) are asked to assume the burden. A burden that will benefit the rich. I don't blame the cabbies for striking. Let the rich New Yorkers walk or take the subway like normal New Yorkers. I have no absolutely sympathy and the greedy cabbies that didn't strike should be ashamed of themselves.
Molly I'm surprised that you fell for the spin by the media. Most of whom I'm sure take cabs.
I ask you to read this or part of this blog by Melissa Plaut
Love the podcast!
Big Brother Fast Forward
So I was wrong. The final four are
True to form the most powerful people betrayed their alliance to better position themselves in the finale. Jessica should have nominated Dick and Daniele a long time ago, but she trusted them. Why you would trust a father and daughter team is stupid? I guess the drama will be when will the Denatos turn on each other. I still say Daniele will win.
Jameka now has a chance. She must win Head of Household on Thursday and nominate Dick or Dani.
Word to future houseguests: Trust no one and break up all alliances.
It's all done September 12th.
True to form the most powerful people betrayed their alliance to better position themselves in the finale. Jessica should have nominated Dick and Daniele a long time ago, but she trusted them. Why you would trust a father and daughter team is stupid? I guess the drama will be when will the Denatos turn on each other. I still say Daniele will win.
Jameka now has a chance. She must win Head of Household on Thursday and nominate Dick or Dani.
Word to future houseguests: Trust no one and break up all alliances.
It's all done September 12th.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Big Brother 8

We're nearing the selection of the final four and I have to say this house has been filled with a bunch of pussies. Tonight (Thursday) is a double eviction night and I predict these people will be left after the dust settles.
I like Jameka, but she's going home. Her problem, bad game play. Why would you choose to be ineligible to compete for the head of household competition? Granted it was during a veto competition, but Bad Bad move. She's going home.
Zach another pussy/idiot. He was a good floater, playing both sides and being an nuisance, but not really making waves. At the best possible moment he gets head of household and decides to put up two people that have no power in the house. Idiot. I hope he and Jameka enjoy their trip to the sequester house.
Those are the losers...Here's who the winner of Big Brother 8 will be.
I predict Danielle will win. She's great in endurance competitions and overall competitions. Come on two head of households and I think three veto competitions, no one is better.
Dick won't win because the jury won't pick him. At least I hope they won't.
Eric won't win because he awful in competitions! Who cares anyway; he's got over $40,000 for being America's Player. I wish he was gone, he really messed up the game! This whole America's Player is bullcrap.
Jessica also terrible in endurance competitions. If she can make it to the final two she will win, but that's a big IF!
Yeah, I'm a little obsessed. It's an obsession I share with one of my best friends. LOL
Back on the Market

Market of what you ask.
I'm thinking in terms of dating and venturing out of my familiar social circle. I love my friends, but I need to do some networking big time this Fall. Fall is one of favorite times of the year. You've got Halloween, gallery openings and new shows on Broadway. Before you know it, the Holidays will be here.
I don't plan to focus on being "out there" but I will keep my eyes and ears open. You never know what I will see.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Palm Changing Course

It takes a lot to admit that you're wrong. Especially after you make an announcement saying that your product was the best idea you've had.
Good for Palm. Jeff Hawkins, Ed Colligan and Palm needs to dust themselves off and refocus on the Palm OS and smartphones. It's a shame that the iPhone has no competitors, but you know that deep down the iPhone was a response to the Palm OS and smartphone devices. Steve Jobs just can't stand the buttons or idea of a stylus.
Come on Palm change the game again and let the sparks fly.
Poor Man's Headphones

After that JBL crap headphones gave out I'm in the market for some more. I'm going to look into these.
Teaching Arabic
A school forbidden from teaching a language? Granted it's a language with ties to terrorists, but are the objectors taking a close look at the good that can come from this.
By teaching American children Arabic culture and language you will have Americans who have a better understanding of a culture than most adults in America don't. Did we learn anything from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks? We are apart of a global culture. A culture with people who don't just speak English and the romance languages.
Along with that, think of all the children that will grow up speaking Arabic and able to be interpreters for the United States Government.
I think is just a attempt by some ill informed people with no insight. The unfortunate thing is that that statement is so "American" right now.
By teaching American children Arabic culture and language you will have Americans who have a better understanding of a culture than most adults in America don't. Did we learn anything from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks? We are apart of a global culture. A culture with people who don't just speak English and the romance languages.
Along with that, think of all the children that will grow up speaking Arabic and able to be interpreters for the United States Government.
I think is just a attempt by some ill informed people with no insight. The unfortunate thing is that that statement is so "American" right now.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Read a Book
This is a Public Service Announcement from BET. It supposed to be get kids to read books. If this is what it takes to get kids to read. What will they end up or expect to read after seeing this ad.
Oh well, I'm all for trying new things.
Oh well, I'm all for trying new things.
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Caste System

So, I was watching an episode of Sex and the city called The Caste System. It's the one when Miranda wanted to buy the suit for Steve and Carrie said, "I love you" to Mr. Big
One statement Carrie said that stayed with me was, "Everything before I love you doesn't count". Carrie took a guy home and slept in the same bed with another man while dating "Big" and decided not to tell because that happened before "Big" said, "I love you".
Does she have a point? When you become emotionally committed to someone is that the time when you disclose everything? It seems a little false to me. I would want someone to be honest with me. If not, then I'm investing my feelings in a lie and that would piss me off.
Rice to Riches
I've been living in NYC for about seven years and it took a friend to introduce me to a rice pudding shop in Nolita. I've loved rice pudding for years and don't have it much because i only like my Aunt's and Mom's. That's all changed.
I've found a new spot.
I recommend the cinnamon, rum raisin and vanilla. We haven't even gotten to the carmel.
*please click the link and check out the intro to the website. I don't know what that has to do with rice pudding.

I love this show. It's funny, but more than that it's filled with people who make bad decisions for various reasons. It's written with this sarcastic, sharp, scathing look at suburbia. America has this idea that the suburbs are without crime, misfortune and everyone is living the American dream.
Well, that's not always the case.
Labor Day
After a long, fun filled weekend I'm staying in today. I have lots to report so stay tuned.
HAPPY LABOR DAY! Relax, reflect and look around to see what you have your hard work has created.
HAPPY LABOR DAY! Relax, reflect and look around to see what you have your hard work has created.
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