Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Teaching Arabic

A school forbidden from teaching a language? Granted it's a language with ties to terrorists, but are the objectors taking a close look at the good that can come from this.

By teaching American children Arabic culture and language you will have Americans who have a better understanding of a culture than most adults in America don't. Did we learn anything from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks? We are apart of a global culture. A culture with people who don't just speak English and the romance languages.

Along with that, think of all the children that will grow up speaking Arabic and able to be interpreters for the United States Government.

I think is just a attempt by some ill informed people with no insight. The unfortunate thing is that that statement is so "American" right now.

1 comment:

Incognito Man said...

I read and write Arabic but my vocabulary is pretty atrocious. Reading is easy...its the understanding which is hard!!