EW ran an article about Why did I get Married and it's top spot at the box office. I'd like to know why it's still news when a movie with all African American stars succeeds at the box office.
I'd call that prejudiced. I'm sure that mindset of undervaluing Africa American stories and box office draw filters down to the stories they cover. I saw
Superbad and thought it was trashy and vapid. EW gave it a B.
from the article by Joshua Rich, EW staff writer:
"Anyway, as my colleague Tim Stack's terrific recent profile of Perry makes clear, the entertainer continues to be a victim of underestimation in the eyes of Hollywood (and those who cover ''the business'': yes, I stand guilty). Maybe we've finally learned our lesson. I sure have."
This is not funny and I would be embarrassed admitting that. It's 2007 and people are surprised that an all black movie, who's creator has had number one hit movies before, can top the box office??? What's really going on is that
they're surprised that a movie where the central characters are black and aren't jumping around acting like buffoons can be successful.
Obviously, the media has a lot of catching up to do. These overprivileged kids that go to Brown, Columbia, NYU, Harvard and Yale know nothing. They're in a bubble. Unfortunately, until hiring practices change the media will continue to be prejudiced and vapid.