Wow. Both Republicans and Democrats had debates in the same arena in New Hampshire this weekend. I put my DVR on from 7pm to 11pm to record the entire event and watched it Sunday. I won't vote for a Republican because they are for people with no rights, but a strong military. I'm more for strong people with rights! When "they" want to bomb NYC again, they will and we probably won't be able to stop it. I listened to the top two democratic candidates the liked what I saw. Hilary was assertive, a little defensive and strong. Obama was smooth and charmed the crowd. I was impressed.
This is what I like about Hilary
- Has a plan about health insurance
- Represents change from the white male aesthetic
- Pro gays in the military
- Pro real family values
- Human rights - right to choose, etc.
- Pro strengthening hate crime laws
Here's what I like about Obama:
- Strengthen hate crime legislation
- Eliminate the difference between crack and cocaine prison sentences
- Provide a balance between family and work
- Reform No Child Left Behind
- Provide tax credit for the first $4,000 of higher education
- Create a National Health Plan (Not as specific as Hilary's)
- Eliminate income tax for seniors making less than fifty thousand a year
- Supports the principle of network neutrality
- Bring troops home from Iraq
One thing we disagree on is his treatment of undocumented workers, he says,
I support a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens."
Outside of going back to their home country, there has got to be another way. This sounds like a slap on the wrist. With people living ten to fifteen to one apartment, that fine won't make much difference.
I'm torn, but what will sell me is a solid realistic health care plan that eliminates preexisting conditions limits on who gets insurance and what treatment they can be given. As of now, Hilary has a detailed plan, that I support.