I'm checking the blogs all day and seeing what's new and what's tired (the Pre's music app being blocked by a certain company) and the more I see it the more I want to use it in my world.
I have a Blackberry that works for email, but the web sucks. The applications suck and there's not much on board memory for the apps available at the Blackberry App World. Enter the iconic phone from the "fruit" store. It's a great phone, web and multimedia device...BUT you've got be on a certain carrier. A carrier that I don't like and don't care to give money to.
Enter the
Palm Pre. It's on Sprint. It has a great web device and until yesterday I would have been able to sync it with the music on my computer. On top of all that it's a multi-tasking device that can manage Pandora while responding to emails and IM's. The crowning feature that the Pre offers for me is "synergy". Synergy takes all your contact information from Facebook, Google, AIM and placing it automatically into your one contact. I find that invaluable. I have so many account. To have it all in one place will make life easy.
Design wise I like the fact that it has an actual keyboard, gesture area and fits nicely in my hand. I look at my phone usage now and I really don't need a new phone. Why should I drop $324.04 for a new phone when I don't need one? I might as well get a PSP before I get that. I don't even talk on the phone much.
That's my obsession. Today during lunch I almost got one, but stopped. I'm so dang frugal. I keep thinking,
"What will I do with my blackberry???"
"I know, sell it."
Which leads me to the next thing....what can I get for it. I checked craigslist and I might be able to get $100 for it. That leaves me with a cost of $99. I should have mentioned that there is a mail in rebate for $100.
$99 plus tax. I can swing that.