CNN has produced a special about being
Black in America. I watched two parts of the three part series, The Black Man and Black Woman. Basically, it's entertainment. You have the mother with five children that works two jobs just to make ends meat and you have the assistant. superintendent husband and judge wife that live in large expensive home in the suburbs.
That's not news and that's not what Black America is about. If they really wanted to show what Black America is about they would show the breakdown of family on all income levels (it doesn't just exist in low income homes). What about interviewing other cultures from around the world how they view Black people? Even better, discuss the media's role (CNN included) in Black America's portrayal in the news. What about how slavery impacts Black America today? Why isn't slavery discussed and always used as a "cop out or excuse". Also, why has no one talked about why Barack Obama has been so readily accepted with White America? What makes him different (that's another post).
Granted I haven't watched
all the parts of the series, but from what I've seen it's nothing groundbreaking. It's another recycled and boring attempt for a news organization that contributes to the negative stereotypes of Black America to get some publicity.