About all I have time for these days is work and sleep. I haven't even been able to get my thoughts together for this blog or other things.
I've noticed a few things this week though
- People love Fridays
- People are doing the best they can
- I need a massage
I have to admit I love Friday's too. This morning I was talking to a coworker about our plans for the weekend and I thought she said, "I can't wait until
next Friday". I laughed and said, "She needed another job." She actually said, "I'm glad it's Friday". I was joking, but it's true. All you hear during the week is, "I can't wait until Friday". Here are some of my week's observations...
- Monday people are miserable, cranky and chat with people about the weekend.
- Tuesday people start to do work and have meetings.
- Wednesday people are in better spirits because it's "hump day"
- Thursday people are solidifying plans for weekend and going out that night.
- Friday is here! No work past lunch!!! Will probably leave early.
Seems like the days we covet are the days when we get to do whatever it is we should. I actually think we should have four day workweeks! How much work do people really get done on Friday. People's minds are into their weekend by Thursday.
People are doing the best they can relative to their experience. I find that mantra brings me back to "center". Instead of judging people, I find peace with seeing them "where they are".
Have a great weekend!