The next gadget to get after my HDTV (or before) will be an ebook reader. The top two contenders are The Nook and The Kindle. These are my needs.
- I need to read more, but I hate to carry around books. They take up valuable bag space and make it heavy.
- I'd like a way to check out my blogs and books wherever I am (subway or park).
- I love new gadgets
Enter...the ereader.
Do I really need it? No, but it would be nice for the train and give me a chance to read more. I'm leaning toward The Nook because you can put any book on it vs. being tied to the Amazon store with the Kindle. I hate being tied down to anything. Engadget recently reviewed The Nook and said the interface was slightly disappointing. That may be the case, but that can be fixed with a software update. I want to be able to put books on my device for free. I should put off my purchase until after my birthday.
$259.00 isn't that bad. The Kindle used to be 399. I think $259 is a much better price. i know I would use it more than I would a PSP 3000 for $169.99.