So, I'm riding the train this morning to work and at an uptown stop a women of color gets on the train car that I'm on. She looks like she's from the midwest by how she's dressed. She has on an pink and gray argyle sweater loosely fitted, large, extra thick gray pants, big clunky gray shoes and hair pins in her hair (the big kind). She also had a large black tote. Before the train doors closed she had a video camera with her and took a picture with it before the train doors closed. She didn't move to the center of the car, which was weird because most women do so they don't get fondled, etc.
Here I am looking at all this and her bag thinking...what if she blows up this train? Could I have stopped her? Should I have gotten off of the train and told a police officer. New York City has this call to action/promotion called, "If you see something, say something". If she was a terrorist, I failed miserably.
Then again she could be visiting from another place and causing all that trouble would have proved to be really embarrassing. My advice to her is to buy a fashion magazine like Bazaar or Elle and dress accordingly. What American women comes to New York City looking like that? I guess that was more shocking then if she was a terrorist.