I got out of work early today and called friends.
Everyone else had plans or was still at work. Movie time then !! What movie you ask? I looked at moviefone.com and saw that Ryan Reynolds had a new movie starting today. That's significant because I just saw Just Friends not to mention that he's very easy on the eyes. I checked the New York Times and saw there was an article about The Nines that was favorable and it was playing at my favorite theatre the Landmark Sunshine Cinema I had to go. (I just found out I missed meeting him in person) dang!
I headed down and had their salty but good popcorn (they have free refills). I know, so bad for you.
The movie was different. Three parts that referenced each other. Some of the reviews just didn't get it, but it's about endings and self acceptance. I was into numerology in high school and the number nine represents endings and karmic transitions. One moment you thought you were in a horror movie and the next sci-fi. It was lovely because it kept you on your toes. Most movies you can figure out what's going happen when it starts. This one you really didn't know where it was going?
I recommend it. Also, from the beefcake standpoint. If you don't know he's got a tremendous body, but the movie directed by a gay man, John August one of Ryan's best friends, wasn't filled with gratuitous shots of his body. His body would have pulled focus. What does he eat??
The pic is RR and one of the co stars of the movie Melissa McCarthy, she's great.