Please don't vote for him...he's just another "good ole boy" for the rich to manipulate (like most Republicans). My thought is that if we're going to war we should do it efficiently with reference for the young people's lives that are being risked. Here's an excerpt from an interview done on Chris Matthew's "Hardball" back in 2003.
McCain was proud of Bush's leadership on the war in Iraq:
MATTHEWS: Let me you about, are you proud of the work, and the leadership of the commander-in-chief in this war?
MCCAIN: Yes, I am. I think the president has led with great clarity and I think he's done a great job leading the country, don't you all? [MSNBC Hardball, 4/23/03]
McCain talks about lessons he learned from Vietnam, lessons that apply pretty clearly to Iraq as well.
MCCAIN: ...I have been committed from my experience in Vietnam never to get into a conflict that the American people would not support over time.
I felt that the difference between the Vietnam conflict and this one we just went through is that in Vietnam, we didn't have clear cut objectives. We didn't have a strategy for victory. And obviously, we didn't have, over time, the support of the American people. I didn't feel that the Iraqi challenge in any way could be equated to that in Vietnam. [MSNBC Hardball, 4/23/03]