Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rockefeller Christmas Tree

I decided Monday to confront the crowds and see the Christmas Tree. Now, let the Holiday's begin.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Console Wars

So it's been years (double digits) since I had an Atari 2600. Lately, I've been thinking about getting back into the fray and experiencing this new gaming experience. The question is, "which one do I get?"

Nintendo's Wii
Microsoft's Xbox 360
Sony's Playstation 3

I'm leaning towards the Xbox360 because of it's online gaming experience. Being able to play with friends from the comfort of your own home sounds a revolutionary experience. You pay for that service $50 a year, but you get more bandwidth and a mature online experience compared to the Playstation 3.

You'd think I'd be done, but there's one problem....

Little Big Planet

It's gotten raves from critics and players alike and it sounds like it could be related to the Sims franchise.