Wednesday, May 23, 2007

First Post - May 23rd

It's been a great afternoon, which is part of a beautiful week. I'm in much better spirits than normal.

I was going to have lunch with Peggy and Tom from work, but decided to walk down Lexington and ran into Popeyes. It's like crack for me. I had two thighs. Decided against eating there because it's just too little seating. I just walked and stumbled up an open to the public area, for seating. I think it was around 27th street between 3rd and 2nd. I listened to Buzz Out Loud and relaxed.

Now, I'm back at work.

Last night I saw a good show called The Romance of Magno Rubio. It was good, but there was hardly any conflict so I kind of check out. It was mostly Asian Americans in the cast and I felt sad that aside from Pacific Overtures, I haven't seen that many Asians in one production. There were very talented and used the medium of theatre the way it's supposed to be used. It wasn't my favorite productions, but definitely something that should be seen over that trash, Legally Blonde.

There is an architect Sterling and his son goes to one of the best acting programs in the country. He's destined to become huge. He's cute and white. Just with that he has more opportunities at his feet than I do. I just feel he's got his foot in the door. When was the last time I acted in a show that was worthwhile. It's been too long. I'm happy for my friend's success (Alan, Tracie, Ryan, Anthony). Good for them, if I put in the work, that could have been me.

Angela, Jim and I are creating a nice support group. We'll see how it goes.

So, the big news is that I am going to go to the New School. I feel I have a voice and many stories inside that I'd like to tell. Writing is the most rewarding. One, you work alone. Two, you make your own deadlines and three, you control everything that happens on stage. I'm working on one now, using this great book called, The Art and Craft of Playwriting. It's inspiring. I look at plays differently now. I need to make my own opportunities to shine. Who out there is going to tell the stories of my people. I just wonder how The New School can help.

Money is tight. I have to stay home this weekend and watch TV and play on my computer. My Time Warner bill is $380, $270 is my share. That's out of control. I can't wear that anywhere either. LOL. So, if you're looking for me I'll be inside.

So, while walking from the public space I thought about posting my thoughts in a blog and making it really personal. I'll let Bill and maybe Eddie know.

peace...until next time. (which will probably be after work)


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