Dear HP,
If I were one of your investors I would sell, sell, sell.
You guys have no idea what you're doing. You waste a billion dollars for Palm in order to position yourself in a young, but growing mobile market. A market that hasn't really defined itself yet. One CEO out and another in and you change everything. Now you're putting yourself back on track, but now the track leads to a dead end.
In case you didn't know HP, but personal computing has changed and is not going back to what it was before. People are mobile and they want their computers light and fun. People are finally realizing that in order to send email and surf the web you don't need the highest specs or latest tech available on the market.
In July HP had released a product that wasn't ready and wasn't priced to sell. (MISTAKE) People will buy a tablet, but what's holding a lot of people back is the price. $99 was too good to pass up. Even with the eventual death of WebOS people snapped up those Touchpads in August because what do people really want do..."check their email and surf the web".
Now the HP Touchpad has sold out and people are hungry for it. Yes it's cheap, but you've done something no one but a certain fruit company has done and that was cause a "buzz". Now, you want to kill something where you have complete control of the (hardware and software) kind of like another company. (MISTAKE)
It's great that you're keeping your PC division alive. You should. You said you're excited about Windows 8 for tablets. That's great, but where are they? Windows is too late to the game. WebOS was further along than Windows 8 and you spent a billion dollars for Palm. I just think that doesn't make any sense. HP you need to ask yourselves, "where do you want to be in ten years"? If mobile isn't figured in their, you may follow in RIM's shoes...
...dead in the water.
This is a huge problem and I don't seeing and change or movement. Investors. Sell. Sell. Sell.
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