Do not put off what you can do today. Express yourself and let your shine. These are my thoughts and
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Headed to Mom's
Ending the year with family and friends...that's how you spend the Holidays!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Rockefeller Christmas Tree
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Console Wars

So it's been years (double digits) since I had an Atari 2600. Lately, I've been thinking about getting back into the fray and experiencing this new gaming experience. The question is, "which one do I get?"
Nintendo's Wii
Microsoft's Xbox 360
Sony's Playstation 3
I'm leaning towards the Xbox360 because of it's online gaming experience. Being able to play with friends from the comfort of your own home sounds a revolutionary experience. You pay for that service $50 a year, but you get more bandwidth and a mature online experience compared to the Playstation 3.
You'd think I'd be done, but there's one problem....
Little Big Planet
It's gotten raves from critics and players alike and it sounds like it could be related to the Sims franchise.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Carlisle adopt me

Still reading the Twilight Series. I'm on the third book, Eclipse. It's a little mushy, gushy and syrupy at times, but she (Stephanie Meyer) leaves enough meat in there for me to want to know what happens.
Yeah I know the title of the post is confusing...go read the books!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is right on! I need an adjustment!
From 1987 to 2006, Alan Greenspan was Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve and a major force in shaping the world's most powerful economy. When the recent troubles hit, Congress called on him to testify. With shocking humility, he confessed that there had been a flaw in his model of reality. All those years he'd believed that "free, competitive markets are by far the unrivaled way to organize economies." Now he saw he was wrong. While I'm sorry for the collective pain his mistaken ideas have unleashed, I'm elated for him personally: How many 82-year-old men are open to the possibility that their philosophy of life needs adjustment? For that matter, how many people of any age are receptive to changing their ideas about how the world works? I invite you to take your inspiration from Greenspan, Capricorn. Be curious about how your own major theories might need revision. Doing this heroic deed will energize you with good karma and fresh mojo.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Single Ladies (BIG GIRL REMIX)
I had to post this...go girls!
Note to Beyonce: Is this the best you could do?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Prop 8 Rant

I do not agree with Prop 8 passing, but I do think the "gay" movement in California failed to get the message out to people of different socio economic backgrounds. Were they in the "hood" spreading the word? I don't think so. I'd be very surprised if they were. The other side put their misleading message out in the community and if you weren't a critical thinker you would be persuaded by their ads and campaign. Sounds similar to Obama and McCain's campaign.
Proposition 8 was about more than someone getting married. It was about denying a group of people a chance to be supported by their state. Telling taxpayers, "We don't support you and we won't support you" is wrong.
How does someone else's marriage affect you?
When you answer think about all the marriages done in Las Vegas after a bout of late night drinking or marriages made because the female is pregnant. Are these ideal situations for something an institution held in such high regard? No, but they are made by adults.
Going forward the "gay" movement needs to realize the the playing field has changed and includes people that look different from the ones that live in San Francisco, Chelsea, NY and DuPont Circle. And you know what there are "gay" people in those neighborhoods too.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
1 Corinthians 13:1-8a and 13
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails....And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.But the greatest of these is love
California's Fear
We all want to love and be loved. The fact that there are people out there denying that outward expression of love is more than sad. The term marriage offers legal rights to protect what you and your loved one have built together. I'm angered that someone says that that is wrong. As far as the religous "thing" is concerned. It goes against what most religions are about. Jesus fought and cared for EVERYONE!! He loves EVERYONE!!
He wants us all to be happy!
Keith Olberman is a favorite of mine! I love his commentary. If you have time, check it out below.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A New Moon

Wow, what a movie Twilight will be. I've moved off to the next in the series of Stephenie Meyer's series. I'm kind of bumbed about knowing what happens, but how they do it will be the fun of seeing it midnight next Thursday.
I'm most excited to see who is playing who. I have an idea of what these characters look like. For instance, Charlie, Jacob, Mike, Jessica, Rosalie, Emmet, James.
I refuse to even watch the trailers. I think they show too much, like Edward in the sun or him snarling, etc., or the baseball game!
This is gonna be fun!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Horrible rumor

Click the the title for the article that set me off!
There's a cartoon coming in 2009. Here's the trailer.
I certainly hope Beyonce doesn't play her. Let's hope "Sasha" continues to sing and dance! I just don't see her playing my favorite Superhero!! My Dream Team:
Director: Tim Burton
Musical Director(s): Danny Elfman/John Williams
Wonder Woman (running list):
- Hayden Panettier - From Heroes (too short, but she can kick butt)
- Jessica Alba - maybe (she's already a part of the Fantastic Four Series
- Megan Fox - Is she more than a pretty face? (check pic insert)
Janet picks my friend
I should have posted this last week, but didn't. T baby, you deserved it. I am/was so happy for you!!
Love ya!
p.s. If you look closely (very), you can see me!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Twilight...The Event

I've been sucked in to this phenomenon called Twilight.
I saw the teaser trailer months ago and thought that would be a fun movie to see because I love vampire stories. A co-worker suggested that I read the book and come to the midnight showing November 20th with her a dozen other people. I agree. The next day she brought the book in and said, "Read this". Well, I started last week and I like it. It's a pleasurable tale about a young girl and the outsider she meets at her new high school.
Who doesn't like an outsider?
The thought of meeting a sexy vampire (Edward). A vampire that could kill and feed on me in a instant. It's that whole bad boy thing taken to a different level.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Back, Back, Back

As someone who likes to write, I wonder how some playwrights get their work produced. Most do because of their "name" or last great play. That must be the case when it comes to "Back, Back, Back".
I enjoyed his last play "The Four of Us" about two friends both writers who advanced in their careers. One with lots of monetary success and the other with not as much. It was poignant. That's the reason I jumped on the chance to check out the final dress of this show.
I went into this show blind and left with not much information. Here's my take.
Player #1 took steroids (drug enhancements) to stay on the top
Player #2 took too much became hostile and disgruntled
Player #3 rookie player bound to follow the others and start using to get on the top
Not much else happened. The dialog was smart at points, but I felt it was "smart" for smarts sake. Nothing moved the plot along. Note to playwrights: Stop holding your audience hostage for 90 minutes without giving them a break. That holds especially true when there isn't much cause and effect in your play. The play was approximately one hour and forty five minutes long. Too, too long!
I think there could be a good narrative in the subject matter, but for two hours I think it was lost in Itamar Moses' "smart" dialog and character archetypes. I'll still go and see his next play though. One play does not a playwright make.
A good story does...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama!
I decided not to watch the proceedings Tuesday night because I had been let down the past two elections and thought I would wake up Wednesday morning to hear the news, but things didn't work out that way. At 10pm the news came from Twitter and Facebook as status updates and twits were saying he was winning. I turned on CNN & CSPAN and watched in awe as Barack was announced the President Elect.
Obama black or white was the only choice in the election Tuesday. What makes this so historic is that this ceiling has been broken. It was broken overwhelmingly by the citizens of the United States of America.
It's still sinking in.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom

Finally a resolution to a series I really enjoyed watching on LOGO.
The movie was a triumph. I had a great time start to finish. I can't wait to get the DVD.
See it if it's in a city near you. You'll have a great time.
Click the title for a good review by Andy Webster from the New York Times
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dreams of my Father

All I can remember is needing my father to meet my friend"B". I don't know why but it was so important.
I was in deep sleep too because I was almost late to work this morning.
Goodness, what does that mean?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
11 Days Left

Americans (Electoral College) have a decision to make Nov. 4th. McCain or Obama? I sure hope it's not McCain.
There's really too much at stake.
- Healthcare
- Iraq War
- War on terrorism
- Foreign Policy
- Economy
- Survival of the Middle Class
Janet in DC
I arrived in time to get something to eat, take a nap and head back to the city for the fanclub meet up at Ruby Tuesday's. We ate, drank and was greeted by one of the choreographers and one of Janet's closest's friends. It was surreal because I was able to get a picture with him.
After that I headed to The Source with my friends whom I would be sitting with. I had a ball and took a few pics from where I was.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Janet Week

This is the week I see Janet Jackson at the Verizon Center in DC. I am soooooooooo excited! I haven't seen her in full out concert since August of 2001! I can't wait. Seven years is a long time to wait for one of your favorite artists/entertainers!
Above is a pic I took at Battery Park when she performed during Good Morning America!
My Sugar is Raw
You've done it again. I had an amazing time seeing this wonderful work of art. It was upbeat, strong and asked the question.
"What are you waiting for?" "This is your world!"
Good question!
And to think I wasn't going to bring my camera. They don't allow SLR cameras in, but they are a lot more relaxed with point and shoots.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
If you see something, say something

So, I'm riding the train this morning to work and at an uptown stop a women of color gets on the train car that I'm on. She looks like she's from the midwest by how she's dressed. She has on an pink and gray argyle sweater loosely fitted, large, extra thick gray pants, big clunky gray shoes and hair pins in her hair (the big kind). She also had a large black tote. Before the train doors closed she had a video camera with her and took a picture with it before the train doors closed. She didn't move to the center of the car, which was weird because most women do so they don't get fondled, etc.
Here I am looking at all this and her bag thinking...what if she blows up this train? Could I have stopped her? Should I have gotten off of the train and told a police officer. New York City has this call to action/promotion called, "If you see something, say something". If she was a terrorist, I failed miserably.
Then again she could be visiting from another place and causing all that trouble would have proved to be really embarrassing. My advice to her is to buy a fashion magazine like Bazaar or Elle and dress accordingly. What American women comes to New York City looking like that? I guess that was more shocking then if she was a terrorist.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Lehman Brothers
Didn't they know that one day the scam would end?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Love Will Never do w/o Janet
She hasn't tour since the amazing All 4 You tour. That's not to say I haven't seen her in concert since. I saw her at Battery Park in NYC for Good Morning America (GMA), Rockefeller Center in NYC and recently at the Nokia Theatre for the GMA.
Enjoy this preview of her Rock Wit You Tour. If you don't like Jermaine Dupri fast forward to 2 minutes into the clip.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A New Week
Oh the possibilities. Now when do I have time to explore them.
There lies the problems.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Rent on Broadway

I'd be sad if I didn't say good bye to the show that was my introduction to Broadway! I'll miss you.
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love? Measure in love
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Promise Land
Yesterday marked Martin Luther King, Jr.s 45th anniversary of his "I have a Dream" speech, but this one always touched me because he was assassinated the next day.
Martin thank you for dreaming and inspiring a nation.
I Have a Dream

I've been watching the Democratic National Convention and this if the first time that it has brought tears to my eyes.
I shedded tears for my ancestors that were taken away from their homeland, my forefathers that were brought here during the middle passage to be put to work on plantations, for Crispus, Harriett, Sojourner, Shirley, Martin, Malcom, Nelson, Barbara, Jesse, for my mom and dad that told me stories of injustices that they faced in this country while serving in the Armed Services and for having a supportive, loving and intelligent family to draw inspiration, creativity and compassion from. These people dreamed of a better day for everyone, even people that looked like them.
Yes, I wanted Hilary Clinton to be the next president, but at this moment in the now we have Barack Obama and I'm very proud of him and I think when he's elected President of the United States a shift in politics as we know it occur. It's exciting and I'm ready for the change!
Obama / Binden 2008!!
Please Win!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Obama/Biden Ticket
Thursday, August 21, 2008

I've been averaging about five hours of sleep a night this week. Today I'm a little frayed on the edges. I can't wait until Saturday, I'm sleeping the entire day!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Secret Diary of a Call Girl

I saw the ads on the train platform and I thought I would try the show out from my cable's On Demand station.
Sex, money, drama, Europe and good writing are what you will swallow when you watch this show. Belle is the main character and you can click the title for more info. What I find fascinating is her solitude. She can't discuss her job, not even with her best friend. Instead, you see her frustrations coming out in her work. It's a great character study.
We have sex for different reasons, but all for an objective. Some just make money doing it.

I'm at work and two married co-workers are talking about TV's. One is a father of three(F3) and has flat screens in all of his rooms in his homes, but now because LCD HDTV screens are lowering in price he wants to get larger screens to replace the ones he has. The other is a father of one(F1) and our IT guy. Here's part of their conversation.
F3: "Well, I have a 42 inch, but I saw that the 46 inch ones are coming down."
F1: "Yeah, I saw that."
F3: "I really don't need one, but I want one
F1: "Me too
Let's look at these two guys. The father of three works until 5:30pm everyday and his commute is about 1.5 to 2 hours every day. He's home by 8pm and has to leave for work everyday at 6:30am. His weekends are filled with sleeping and playing with his kids. The other works here and teaches at NYU. When do they have time?
I love technology like everyone else, but goodness, if you already have 42 inch TV's do you need larger ones.
Do American's have to get the biggest and best of everything? With this market I would hold onto as much capital as I could. We need to scale down and focus on quality time with our loved ones. That's what is important.
Now computers are a different story...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Relax Relate Restore
6:40pm yesterday I took my external hard drive and computer in because of my inability to restore my hard drive. I had the most amazing technician to help me. He told me what to do and when I told I didn't have time to sit and do it myself he did it for me after I left the store (I had tickets to a play).
I got a call around 10:49pm from him saying it was completed and ready for pick up! I was so relieved. I have to say it was the best customer experience I've ever had. I pick it up this evening!
Wow Gas Prices Down

It's no coincidence that gas prices have taken a dive. The closer we get to the election I'm sure the Republicans are calling in some favors from the oil lobby and are going to use that in order to get votes.
Americans take a second look. This is a torture trick. Soften you up for election then really give it to you in 2009 with higher taxes and less health care.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
HellBoy II : The Golden Army

Now, rant time...
I know I live in one of the most expensive places in the United States, but I didn't know that a Combo of a Large Popcorn and two medium drinks is $17 and why don't they display the prices? I'll tell you why, because no one would buy them. How ridiculous is that?? The popcorn was good, but $7 for a larger. Guess I'll have to pick up my candy and water before I get there.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Woe is me

Well, my computer is still not working. It could be more serious than I thought. I'm taking it better than I thought I would primarily because of my backup. It's interesting that when you have computer problems it just consumes you.
Wish me luck tomorrow 6:40pm!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
I Got Life

Hair is one of my favorite musicals. I met some great people while doing the show in Brooklyn. I saw this production last summer in Central Park and I plan to see it again soon. Good Times!
Wish me luck!
It still rings true today. All of our voices today can make a difference! Stand up for what you believe in!
Broadway Grosses for Last Week
A Catered Affair | $291,282 | $55.28 | 70.6% |
A Chorus Line | $505,730 | $68.57 | 86.2% |
August: Osage County | $550,495 | $85.31 | 82.4% |
Avenue Q | $317,522 | $64.71 | 77.1% |
Boeing-Boeing | $474,393 | $66.04 | 83.4% |
Chicago | $551,427 | $69.47 | 91.9% |
Cirque…Fantasy | $554,145 | $56.36 | 70.6% |
Grease | $682,087 | $83.54 | 95.2% |
Gypsy | $792,415 | $73.69 | 78.7% |
Hairspray | $713,123 | $66.94 | 93.3% |
In the Heights | $1,004,285 | $94.19 | 99.2% |
Jersey Boys | $1,129,029 | $114.59 | 100.8% |
Legally Blonde | $851,934 | $67.70 | 93.0% |
Mamma Mia! | $1,022,164 | $83.80 | 101.8% |
Mary Poppins | $977,652 | $71.99 | 94.5% |
Rent | $483,938 | $65.96 | 77.7% |
South Pacific | $905,905 | $108.95 | 99.8% |
Spamalot | $635,392 | $66.65 | 82.7% |
Spring Awakening | $463,224 | $66.62 | 79.7% |
The 39 Steps | $258,459 | $55.91 | 73.4% |
The Lion King | $1,324,314 | $100.08 | 100.0% |
The Little Mermaid | $1,153,710 | $94.48 | 100.6% |
The Phantom of the Opera | $915,177 | $70.78 | 100.0% |
Thurgood | $241,534 | $59.52 | 65.0% |
[title of show] | $162,682 | $42.97 | 51.3% |
Wicked | $1,522,686 | $105.22 | 100.0% |
Xanadu | $241,048 | $68.50 | 73.8% |
G Star is Born

Recently I went on an spontaneous search for jeans. It's a challenge to find jeans that fit someone who's not flat on the backside. I've tried Diesel and True Religion, but no matter how high I go in the waist they don't fit. H & M and Banana Republic don't even work that well. I had given up on finding some flattering jeans with a little style.
That was until I went to the G Star Raw Denim store On Lafayette Street. I had heard they have cuts for all body types, but that normally that doesn't mean me. The sales staff were so knowledgeable, pretty and relaxed that I felt comfortable with purchasing a $129 (sale price) pair of jeans that I would probably wear over and over again. Also, when a sales staff is knowledgeable and friendly, that makes it easier for me to spend my money.
I thought I would give it a week to check my closet, pull all my jeans and make sure my new Core Regular or Raw Low Loose would be a welcomed addition.
Weekend Meltdown

I opened my laptop Friday night to go online and it was mysteriously frozen. I shut it down, went online with another device and attempted to troubleshoot some things. Come to find out my hard drive failed. Yes, dead. I was scared, but this could have been an entirely different experience if I didn't have a backup.
Note to everyone: PLEASE BACKUP!
I'm picking my computer up today and will find out how well this backup software works. I've got my fingers crossed!
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Dark Knight

It took me long enough, but I finally saw it at the IMAX theatre in Lincoln Centre at 12:30am last Saturday night. Was it the best movie I've ever seen? NO! But I had a good time. There just a few moments where things were blurry. Surprisingly I thought some of the chase scenes were confusing! And what was up with Christian Bale's voice when he was Batman?? It felt unauthentic. I was disappointed that Heath Leger was gone.
Best part of the movie was The Joker and the bad guys. Whenever they were on the story took off. I felt Batman was just reactionary. It was more about Two Face than Batman.
The next Batman movie is rumored to be about The Riddler! Come on haven't we done that! I would rather see Catwoman, but I doubt any of them will live up to Michelle Pfeiffer.
How YOU Doin

"Like a Wendy interview..."
That's from Mariah Carey's song "Touch my body". People from New York City know about the infamous Wendy Williams. I used to listen to hear her show way back in the day, but now I have the pleasure of watching the Wendy Williams Show and her very colorful New York studio audience Monday to Friday. She's bold in your face and says whatever is on her mind.
Love ya Wendy....
How YOU Doin!
Grand Central Terminal
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Black in America

CNN has produced a special about being Black in America. I watched two parts of the three part series, The Black Man and Black Woman. Basically, it's entertainment. You have the mother with five children that works two jobs just to make ends meat and you have the assistant. superintendent husband and judge wife that live in large expensive home in the suburbs.
That's not news and that's not what Black America is about. If they really wanted to show what Black America is about they would show the breakdown of family on all income levels (it doesn't just exist in low income homes). What about interviewing other cultures from around the world how they view Black people? Even better, discuss the media's role (CNN included) in Black America's portrayal in the news. What about how slavery impacts Black America today? Why isn't slavery discussed and always used as a "cop out or excuse". Also, why has no one talked about why Barack Obama has been so readily accepted with White America? What makes him different (that's another post).
Granted I haven't watched all the parts of the series, but from what I've seen it's nothing groundbreaking. It's another recycled and boring attempt for a news organization that contributes to the negative stereotypes of Black America to get some publicity.
Monday, July 28, 2008
America's Favorite Dancer
Okay I'm going to call it. He's my favorite and should win! None of the other dancers dance with as much heart as he does. He's down to earth, funny and one of the strongest dancers (strength wise) that's ever been on the show!
Go Joshua!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
That Damn Yankee...Cheyenne

If you've read previous posts you know I love Cheyenne Jackson. He's got a great presence on stage and he's not too bad to look at either. NY Times was kind, but not gushy about it and for once I completely agree. It was a great evening, but I didn't have the same reaction like I did with Gypsy last summer, but it was a great evening. If you're in town, go see it for Cheyenne!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Peter Fox
Peter Fox: Alles Neu - VIDEOPREMIERE NEU
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Instead of ranting about these things separately, I thought it would be better to ask a few questions about things that puzzle me.
Why does BET exist? Who really watches it? Who owns it? (those are all leading questions)
Janet Jackson
Who is she now? What is happening to her career, Where will she go next? When will she find her voice again? Why did she stop writing her own music?
George Michael
Why didn't I got to the concert?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Mamma Mia

Greece here I come...
Rarely have a seen a movie that has inspired me to visit a it's location. Rarely have a seen such an inspired musical performance from an actor in a movie musical. Well, Mamma Mia I have to say was a triumph.
It was like a chocolate souflee... soft, sweet, familiar and full of flavor, but nothing that will hurt your stomach. Due to the amazing Meryl Streep, even a few tears fell. Be prepared to have a good time in Mamma Mia. Leave your cynical, jaded and judgemental ideas behind and enjoy yourself (just don't sing out loud).
I saw it at the famous movie musical house called "Ziegfeld" on 54th Street. I've seen Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, Dreamgirls, Sweeney Todd and now Mamma Mia there! If you want to see a movie musical, you've got to see it at the Ziegfeld.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance
Yes, I have been keeping up and yes I love it. This year's Bollywood addition to the styles of dance featured on the show has been a huge success. Here's a taste. My prediction for the final four are:
**Well, You Tube has pulled the video, oh well. When will these Television stations learn that YouTube is a marketing beast, with an easy/free way to promote your show. People are posting these dance routines to blogs and websites. What's so wrong with that??
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Black and Gold
I love the beat so much I didn't start listening to the lyrics until B said, "Do you think it's about God"?
Yep I do!
**YouTube has pulled this one too!
SAM SPARRO interview
Thanks Hadi, he's my new fav artists I've come across this year. There's one more that I'll talk about soon.
He's cute too. Love those Aussie boyz!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Month Into...
I can't believe that it's almost the end of July. So with the summer almost a month in I have to say, "I need to plan another quiet weekend outside of my apartment". Maybe I'll plan a picnic for one on Governor's Island.
I want to blog, but with work and work I can't be
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I'm still here
New York is hot, muggy and smelly. Thank goodness for my air conditioner, but it's a wonder that I can fall asleep because it's so loud.
I've been writing and want to a play finished by the summer.
That's it in a nutshell at 2:49am. I'll make more sense in the daylight.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Times Square Sunday Night
Nota discordante
Monday, June 30, 2008
This Week

It's a short work week for some here in the US. On July 4th we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence from England. Americans barbecue, drink and find a place to watch the fireworks.
Of course New York takes it to another level...
- Who has the best view?
- What party did you attend?
- Which fireworks display did you see?
Courtesy of a friend, I got to tag along to a penthouse party in the village that had a view of fireworks on the east and west side! Really after seeing the fireworks on the mall in Washington, DC. nothing in New York City can compare.
Can't you tell how proud I am of
*As of this moment, I have no plans but that could change*
Sunday, June 29, 2008

I heard good things about this movie, but after The Happening I wasn't so sure. After my day excursion with Izzy I went to see the movie.
I'm so glad I did. It was warm, straightforward and delightful. What I thought was most interesting is that there wasn't much dialogue. They relied on action to tell the story. Interesting how Pixar can create a movie with so much heart.
Wall-E was
- The Incredibles
- Finding Nemo
- Ratatouille
- Cars
It's not like they're doing something miraculous. They know how to tell a story. Now if only other's could do the same.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Absolutely Perfect
Happy Pride!