Sunday night at 11:15 in the evening I had to do some laundry. I couldn't do everything on the living room floor because I was exhausted from seeing Hair Saturday and Sunday night, but I decided on one load. This time I thought I would use my time wisely and while my clothes were washing I would prepare for the next day. On my way out to get my clothes out of the dryer I ran into two people on the front stoop.
Katie, I had met her in the building before but in passing. We'd speak and do that quick talk while moving, "Hey how are you?" "Fine, you?" "I'm well, take care". That was the extent of our talks. Tonight would prove to be a little different when I saw her drinking with a male "friend" of hers.
What sucked me in was the little black and white Chiquia in the front? I stopped and went down to pet it that's when the man, Dave, asked me
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Laundry" I said,
"You must have a date tonight" (I wish and when did doing laundry mean you have a date?).
I quickly discovered that they were drunk because Katie proceeded to cry after I mentioned that I was watching the HBO show Tell me you Love Me. Dave on the other hand, from what he said, does some modeling and kept showing me and Katie his stomach, which I would be showing too if I had his.
I found out Katie's roommate is "bent" and single. She' s a model and writer and says she has a role for me in a play that she's written. Look at that. It also looks like I have another Christmas Party to attend in my block! Dave said that I must come to his Christmas Party in December. He lives a few doors down (he's married to a woman). Last night, I put my business card with a note under Katie's apartment door, so she has my contact information.
Look Hadi, I'm networking! Now I need to go shopping and hit the gym harder. I've been slacking.
See I told you...you just need to be positive and when things do work out, you can build on it. It is hard work sometimes but the world is a place of possibilities!
It's like keeping a small pouch full of 'positives' and when you're feeling down, you can take one out to keep you going.
Good luck with the Gym...I've given that up a long time ago. :-)
The gym can work, when I want it to.
They're entertainment at this point. I think there's a story there.
Eye Candy!!!!
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