Monday, June 18, 2007

Is it just me? Doesn't look like it.

The Republican and Democratic parties know their position on immigration is about votes and not about what's best for Americans. Legal immigration is supported by most Americans, but not illegal immigration. The President is interested in legitimizing a group of people that work for nothing. Employers love that because they don't want to pay a living wage in the first place. The argument is that illegal immigrants take jobs Americans won't take. That's not true. Americans can't survive on such low wages.

The real issue, take care of Americans first and worry about immigration later. We've got a war and millions of people with no healthcare. Congress needs to reject this bill and work on a healthcare initiative.

CNN article


Anonymous said...

Healthcare is hard for the very reason that the two-tier system is the basic fulcrum of American societies... or any capitalist society. Australians are lucky.

Maybe the philosophical debate will create a shift in which many people in power would prefer not to wage lest they might have to give something back to society.

Kevin said...

That is the problem hadi. the rich don't feel they need to give back. That's what our tax system is based's income tax. The more you make the more you pay.