Sunday, June 17, 2007

In the Hospital

I'm at Grounded and this is the first time I've had a chance to blog. There was no unsecured wi-fi at the place I was in. New York is hot and humid today and I'm not ready for the walks across town where your back is sweaty. You can't even wear jeans in this weather and it's only going to get worse.

I have been in a hospital all weekend being examined by medical students taking an exam. My job is to "act" like a patient and see if they "do their job". I have to be vague, cause I don't know who's reading this, but I can say that it's been an eye opening experience.

This is not every doctor, but I realized that if doctors just ask the right questions they can get more information so they can administer the correct kind of tests and save you and the hospital lots of money. I had to think about my own doctor and ask if he/she:

1. Uses open ended questions
2. Doesn't cut you off
3. Shows concern
4. Asks you about you and your family's medical history with specific questions.
5. Washes their hands
6. Makes eye contact

So many of the students didn't do these things, but they are students and still learning.

Thankfully, my doctor does all these things and I even have an HMO. I found my doctor through a referral. I needed a SGL (look it up) doctor and he's AMAZING! Actually he's gone, but I found another doctor in the same group (long story).

For those of you who care to answer, what do you look for in a doctor?

p.s. Why are so many doctors attractive??? I wanted to give a few my number! LOL

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