JP Morgan Chase is this extremely profitable company and they get these kinds of discounts and kickbacks? Talk about welfare. Is it that important to have them down in the Wall Street area? I wish they turned "ground zero" into moderate income housing. That's what New York City needs. The working class can't afford to live anywhere near Manhattan. This just ads to the suburbanizing of Manhattan.
Manhattan used to be the epicenter of arts and culture. With the average price of a 400 sq. ft.
studio in upper Manhattan being $182,000 and rent being $1000 a month artists can't afford to live, much less contribute to this once vibrant city. NYC is riding on it's history and needs to step it up. What is so bad about having housing that is affordable to everyone?
BBC Article
Try being a tourist from outside the U.S. - every place you want to stay is so expensive especially in Manhattan, what with the exchange rate and the need to tip so that you can get in to the same restaurant more than once?! And if you're a student, just forget about seconds!
Couldn't you stay at a hostel? I'm not sure how that works, but I heard it's an option.
That's what we're doing for Japan. Staying @ RYOKANs that will cost us a 3rd of the price of all. Ryokans are like little japanese homestays.
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