Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Full Moon

**The energy today is very weird. I feel murky, slow and melancholy. I looked at the calendar and saw that it's a full moon. That explains some things.

Click the link to read Psychology Today's take on the full moon. Guess whatever I'm going through is a manifestation.

Below is a description of the full moon for today.

Our full moon in Leo shows a fair concentration in the air signs, and other signatures indicate a more fruitful time for mental activity.

Currently, Pluto is tipping over into Capricorn, and is forming tense aspects with a conjunction to Venus, both opposite Mars in retrograde. There is a burgeoning sense of unrest, violence and rawness. Review your boundaries, especially in relationships and sex. Know them well because this lunation might strain them.

**I feel strained now, exhausted emotionally and can hardly concentrate. It could be because I'm back to work and the people in this office are crazy. Yeah that sounds more like it.

1 comment:

Incognito Man said...

It was a full-moon last night. I was freezing out in the backyard taking pictures...the moon makes me lethargic!