Tuesday, July 3, 2007

iPhone Haze

First I'd like to say I played with the iPhone and I L.O.V.E. it.

Also, I don't mind the coverage that is everywhere right now. I say keep it coming. It keeps Apple in the news and the public informed about the best mobile phone ever.

For those of you that don't know I've had a love hate relationship with the iPhone. I've heard bad things about at & t service in the past, but people are now saying that isn't true, that's it's great...what gives?? I need someone to give me a straight answer.

Secondly, I didn't want to leave my present carrier Sprint, but why not leave? I don't call my friends who have Sprint during the day anyway. Plus, I can call them from work for free.

Thirdly, I got a macbook in January. Do I really need another mobile computer? No. What I need is a PDA like device that can hold my contacts, appointments, to do lists, games and music. I'm in NYC and we're a subway/walking town. I don't want to take a bag when I'm going out. Who wants to have your iPod in one pocket and your mobile phone in the other. It's so redundant and bulky. Lastly, does Apple need anymore of my money??? No!

After thinking about all of this I decided that I was going to stay with Sprint, save money and find a free phone I could live with for another two years. I took a good look at the phones there and saw nothing that appealed to me. So, then I'm like why do I want a phone that I'm not excited about. I think I deserve to have a phone that syncs to my macbook w/o having to buy additional software. With the iPhone's features, I could get rid of my Sony Clie, my phone and iPod. I'd have one device. My mom says I would cry if i lost it or got robbed, but I've never lost my iPod or phone. (knock on circuitry)

I told you last weekend that I wasn't going to an Apple or at & t store to see the iPhone. I didn't have to. A coworker of mine got one and I was in heaven. It really works well. Today he admitted that it's really just the IT device of the year. No one really needs one, but it's nice to have one.

At least the stores are selling out now. I almost went and got one about thirty minutes ago.

I will say this. The carrier issue is a non issue now. Who cares about Sprint??? lol

So, I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point, but the decision is...free phone or $650.00 for an Iphone. I think you know where I'm leaning.

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