Monday night I went to Central Park to see the Public Theater's production of In Darfur. I love theatre that has something to say. Back in the day theatre was a way for artists to present issues to the public in a dramatic form. This evening felt like a town meeting. There were activists present. Mia Farrow was there and she was really articulate about how she got involved and her relationship to the genocide.
What is your relationship with genocide? How does genocide and the Darfur crisis sit with you. Is it okay? Can you do something? No, it's not okay to slaughter human beings and yes you can do something. During the question and answer session, a woman asked if people could spread the word about Darfur, the crisis. I thought that was the least of what I could do.
This type of theatre can change lives because people will blog, call and email about this evening to people they know. Kind of like I'm doing right now.
So, please spread the word and if you can do the three steps, do it.
- educate
- advocate
- donate
Genocide Intervention Network
Enough Project
Save Darfur
Update: Broadway World has posted an article about In Darfur.
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