That is visa card's slogan and it's oh so appropriate.
I've been pretty matter of fact about the whole immigration thing. No amnesty to people who have come here illegally, etc. I still believe that, but at work there is a very nice Taiwanese woman whose work visa has expired. She applied for her another visa and wasn't picked (due to lottery). Now's she's stressed and rightfully so. She can't get paid after the 15th and that puts the company in an awkward position. She could get paid in cash or work for free. Even if she worked for free, she would still be illegal. It's a rough place to be in.
I can see that the visa system wasn't made to keep people here on a long term basis, but to give everyone a chance to enjoy the United States. For me this humanizes the whole idea of immigrants in the country. There are good people who try to do the right thing and are still denied because the system is trying to be fair.
No matter what the outcome of this immigration mess, everyone will not be happy. I hope she has a happy ending. Pray for her. She can hardly sleep or eat.
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