I have to tell you about 110 in the Shade.
First off, I waited too long to see it and now it's closing on Sunday. I listened to reviews saying it's dated and the only good thing was Audra McDonald. I beg to differ. This show resonated in me and I loved the relationships. John Cullum, who played Audra's father, gave a thoughtful and commanding performance of a father protecting his daughter. Steve Kazee and Carla Duren are some of the brightest lights on Broadway and really lifted the show when it needed. It's very refreshing to see committed acting. Not actors phoning in their performances.
Audra, what can I say, I saw her in Raisin in the Sun and now this. I don't know why she didn't win the Tony for this role, she should have. BTW, she's won four Tony's already; deservedly so I might add. The depths and heights she takes you to rips your heart out at one moment and then makes you burst out laughing at another.
The show is about Lizzie (Audra) who is this plain (ugly) woman who lives with her two brothers and father. Her father and brothers want to see her married, but she can't see the beauty in herself because how she perceives herself. A stranger comes to down to make it rain (metaphor). Once Lizzie finally breaks down her walls and opens up, the sky does too and it rains literally in stage. It was perfect.
Perception. How do you see yourself? It took Starbuck (the stranger) to show Lizzie that she's desired and loved. As co dependent as it seems, sometimes it takes someone once noticing your beauty in a romantic way in order for you to believe that you are desirable.
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