Who talks on the phone anymore? The other day I saw my blackberry on my desk and realized that the only times I pick up my phone to talk is if my mom calls or I'm checking my voicemail messages. Most of time I'm texting or sending emails.
I prefer to text. When you're meeting someone. It's easier to be clear on where you are or how long you'll be there. For example,
Me: Are you here yet?
Other: Nope, just got out of the train, be there in five
That's so much easier than calling, waiting for the voicemail to pick up and leaving a message. It's clean, direct and simple.
For now, my phone mobile phone use will be reserved for my mom.
I love talking to my friends!! Please keep calling!!!! I was in a mood when I wrote the original post!!
I enjoyed our phone conversation yesterday. I say maybe it is not so bad.
I think you'd love Japan Kevin...no phonecalls in Trains only texting is acceptable decorum! It would be nice if people stop talking at the top of their voice especially when you're on your way home.
How is Peter by the way?
Peter, I enjoyed our convo too. I guess that post came out of my frustration of people wanting to talk in situations when it could be easier to text. Plus, today people were annoying me.
Japan here I come!
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