Most Wall Street people are Republicans. Yes, I said it and it's true. They believe that Government should stay out of people's lives, more importantly their businesses lives.
Government only becomes important to them when it can stretch out it's hands and help them save a buck, which is happening in the case of investment bank, Bear Sterns. What's interesting is that these companies that pay their executives millions of dollars and JP Morgan Chase is getting Bear Sterns at a huge discount. That's not a good thing because people who own shares in Bear Sterns are having their investments equal nothing.
From NPR:
Fed's most significant move over the weekend was the creation of a new program to give emergency loans directly to the 20 largest so-called "primary dealers."
What that means is that the "richest country in the world" is in some serious financial trouble. That shouldn't be news to anyone when you see how one euro is worth $1.55. I have a problem with the Government bailing out the crooks and robbers that set up these deceptive mortgage deals in order to make money and now we have a credit crisis created by sub prime loan lending.
Let these crooks lose every penny they shouldn't have had in the first place. The rich already get tremendous tax breaks that the middle class can't claim and on top of that they get to be "bailed out". When will they feel the crunch. They'll be able to network and rebuild themselves. What about the investors and the workers who have to find new jobs in a recession?
Does anyone else see that these people in Wall Street are running our country into the ground and have ruined some people's chances of getting a mortgage in the future? It's shameful!
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