I love the Fall, because it's cooler with less humidity. The only problem is how do you dress for it?
Take this morning for instance, I woke up at 7:15am and did the usual. I ironed my shirt, while I watched some of America's Top Model (which is boring). 7:30am shower and then at 7:45am I get dressed and race out of my apartment to catch the downtown train that comes at approximately 8:07am. I was prepared to catch it, but couldn't pull it together. I ended up on the 8:13am train.
In my mad dash to make the train I didn't check the weather on NY1, but I knew it was going to be in the high 60's. I left w/o a jacket and only my dress shirt, etc. I didn't feel how cool it was until I got out of the train in midtown to walk to work. That was after I was sitting down in the train for a half hour. Even thought I like this transitional weather, I'm not fan of taking a jacket, "just in case". In the summer or winter, either you need a jacket or you don't.
Ok a bit of fashion advice...light woollen sweaters are best. People tend to say how can something so light keep you warm, well that is what they basically do. The nice ones are pretty expensive but look it as an investment.
And because they're so light, you can virtually tuck them away or use them as a scarf. You need to find one that will blend in with work clothes in either black, grey or shades of ochre/browns because it is fall afterall.
SISLEY does great neckwarmers too -you just slip them like a turtleneck sweater and tuck them under your shirt. It is pretty handy.
Oh my gosh. See...duh. You are so right. I totally forgot the sweaters. I need to bring out the sweaters from my closet this weekend.
When I do that, Fall is definately here.
A "friend" once told me..."Dress for the Season...not the weather" :)
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