Thursday, August 16, 2007

I am not my body

I subscribe to the "This I believe" podcast via iTunes. It's a lovely showcase for what people believe in. This weeks episode touched me because of the relationship this woman has with her body.

Who isn't on a journey with their bodies? Mostly everyone I know, even the ones with incredible bodies find something wrong with themselves. Is there really ever a moment when we're happy with how we look? Our eyes, abs, lips, legs, etc.

How should we look? What's the standard of beauty? Who sets that? Magazines are fantasy, but it's hard not to get sucked up into that culture of "beauty". New York City, the city I love and live in, is filled with beautiful men and women, some who could be in those magazines. We have gyms that are full of people striving to maintain or achieve a certain level of beauty. I wonder when that will happen.

Growing up I was an overweight child with glasses and braces. At my highest, I had a 44 waist and was 280lbs. I'm much, much less now! I was called names, etc. but I learned those people teasing me had problems of their own. Problems that I saw at our 10 year class reunion (that's another posting). Overall, I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't go through that period in my life.

closed with this:

"I am my words, my ideas and my actions. I am filled with love, humor, ambition and intelligence. This I believe: I am your fellow human being and, like you, I am so much more than a body."

My advice for the day: be kind to yourself and others.

1 comment:

Incognito Man said...

Beauty radiates from within and you can see it somehow when you meet beautiful people - they are 3 dimensional and less shallow.

I believe that sometimes the body is like an oasis in an arid land. It mislead you not out of malice but a rather subsconscious need to communicate. The language of the body has to be in-sync with its environment so that it can understood and it's hunger needs to be moderated (balanced).

Sometimes the quest to be understood is what leads us to our own disillusionment....i.e. the Gym.

We all have our burdens! I wish I was a Greek God but that's not going to happen.