I'm am disappointed and saddened that a General would have the nerve to disrespect the President of the United States in Rolling Stone magazine. General Stanley McChrystal should be ashamed of himself. I'm going to get the issue myself, but even if the statements were taken out of context, you just don't say things like that about the boss, when you're a solider and your job is to take orders.
My definition of racism is about power one race feels over another. I believe this General thought his comments would hold weight and hurt the popular President. Looks like he was wrong and hopefully his God complex is diminished a bit. His special assistant has resigned and he submitted his own resignation. Good. If he had a problem with the President's orders, he should have resigned a long time ago. This kind of confusion and infighting does not help the troops or the American people.
Time to move on. President Obama can't tolerate actions like this. He can find another General to head the effort in Afghanistan.
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