Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Message to Palm

I have a palm pre and I love it as well as the operating system called WebOs. It syncs with my Gmail account (Calendar, Gmail). It's small and has a keyboard. Most importantly, I like being able to change the wallpaper on the phone and multitask (it really makes a difference).

There are other platforms that are out there that I enjoy that have been out for a few years now. With that said, WebOS is a maturing operating system for it's kind and doesn't get the credit it deserves. It's only been live since June of 2009.

Palm needs to get their handset into the hands of as many people as possible. Why would you choose Palm's WebOS over another platform? Palm's advertising needs to answer that question. Here's some suggestions:

  1. Synergy with Gmail, Facebook and Yahoo.
  2. Multitasking
  3. Actual Keyboard
  4. Gesture Area
  5. Wallpaper
  6. Camera w/flash
  7. Multiple carriers
This sets this device apart from the rest. If Palm can get this message out there instead of mothers in 50's clothing and pale women with red hair, maybe just maybe they can start to see their market share rise. I sure hope so. The more competition the better.

**the photo was taken with my palm pre**

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