Slowly but surely options for people looking for news geared toward African Americans are fading.
Yes, BET exists but they cancelled their news program. Explain to me how a network named Black Entertainment Television can't devote thirty minutes (even once a week) to a news program. Oh well, Bob Johnson made a ton of money when he sold the network.
NPR (National Public Radio) that basin of diversified opinion cancelled their News and Notes program. That show served the public and NPR even gets government funding. I'd like to know who said it should be silenced. It should just make sense that this program stay on the air. The show "Wait, wait, Don't Tell Me" may get more ratings, but it doesn't mean that it's more important than News and Notes.
There are websites with tons of commentary...
Even with those informative sites, there's nothing like hearing a panel discussions about current events.
I looked up their diversity statement and found...
Diversity at NPR
"National Public Radio will serve the individual; it will promote personal growth rather than corporate gains; it will regard the individual differences among men with respect and joy rather than derision and hate; it will celebrate the human experience as infinitely varied rather than vacuous and banal; it will encourage a sense of active, constructive participation, rather than apathetic helplessness."
-- Bill Siemering, NPR Co-Founder
NPR, please bring back News and Notes. Take a look at the news landscape and you'll see there IS a place that News and Notes needs to fill. As a service to the public you must provide it as a public service. All voices must be heard.
(pic is of the News and Notes staff by Melissa Kuypers)
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