Playstation 3
No, I didn't get the Xbox 360. One reason was the back end cost and features. The $299 Xbox may have been cheaper up front, but in order to make it wireless, I would have to spend an extra $100 bucks. The PS3 come with built in wireless capabilities. Another feature, the Blu-Ray player will come in handy when I purchase an HDTV (my next obsession).
In less than a week I've bought four games:
Motor Storm (first one)
The Darkness
Naked Angels: Squadrons of WWII
I rented two:
Star Wars: Force Unleased (I will buy soon)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (I will buy soon too)
I played and love:
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Comics (Fun, Fun, Fun)
Believe it or not I haven't bought Little Big Planet. I kind of want to finish off these games in a month or two and imerse myself in LBP. Like I said before it seems like a lot of fun, especially with online multi play (for free).
So, I've armed myself with a Gamestop card for used games and even joined the PS3 online community. I'm having a ball. The problem is I have to go to work everyday! ;-)
OMG Kevin - I got myself a PS3 as well but am playing boring stuff really...must try out some of this stuff that you're into...
This is great, we can play online!
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